Christmas Trees and Other Stuff

I realized today I didn't post the photos of our Christmas tree and decorations in the family room.

The family room tree *was* a tree that had ornaments that I had collected especially for it.. but as my children have grown, it has more handmade ornaments and less of my "collected" ornaments.

christmas tree, photos

The tree.. all decorated.. and with a few presents for the monkeys..

stocking were hung from the chimminy with care

The Stockings were Hung by the Chimney with care.

Next year I'll have to make all new stockings.. because #6

will be here. I wish I had extra of that wool felt, because I really

liked those stocking. 🙂

Here is #3, #5 and #4 decorating the tree.

#2 putting on the star.

Decoration on the top of the piano.. The man doesn't like my

window wreaths.. but I like them… 🙂

Some of my favorite nesting Santa Claus'.

I wish I had 6 of these Starbucks wreaths… I would use them

as my window wreaths.

Animated Math Brought to you by #2

We had school today. I know most people took Martin Luther King Day off.. but we didn’t. The photo above is a GOOD representation of how today went.

Monday’s are not my favorite day to do school…. there is always so much paperwork to do.. and everyone is complaining about SOMETHING. MLK day or not… we still had the same frustration as any normal Monday. While I was helping #4 with his math.. #2 had a question. I asked #1 if she could help.

Once #1 came to help him, he became all animated about how

he couldn’t understand the question.. and she wouldn’t either.

**No, Old Navy is not a sponsor of this blog.. but they should be 😉

He’s intent on pecking at those keys… I hope he get’s the right

number.. don’t you?

No #2 don’t smack the calculator!

(See the red arrow above their heads.. the Christmas

kissing ball we forgot to take down! See the red arrow by

#1’s arm.. clean clothes.. #2 hasn’t put away yet.)

Show him #1! Show him that all the night’s spent with your

dad (The Man) doing algebra were worth it!.. Show him you can

do math too!

I believe this photo proves she knew how to do it.. see the smile on

her face? See the frustration on his…

That’s my girl.. showing her brother how to work a few problems..

That’s my boy.. thinking of something smart to say back to her.