Tuesday.. Seriously? It Feels Like Wednesday..

chick fila must move to Ottawa, KS

You know what would make me happy?  A little Chick-fil-a

in Ottawa Kansas.. PLEASE?

1. phone calls..

2. Write up eBay stuff

3. Cut out MORE butterfly shapes make them into charms.. and bake them :)

4. Dinner= hanging out with my friends at VBS.. and eating Ham Sandwiches

5. Send article in

6. upload VBS photos to church website..

7. Get entry way cleaned

8. vacuum dining room and family room

Friday’s To Do’s

slurpee anyone?

Do you have a good caption for this photo?

Friday  To Do’s

1.  CLEAN!

2.  Father’s Day Cards… MAIL THEM!

3.  VBS Crafts

6. Dinner= Steak Sandwiches, fries, onion rings, baked beans.

7.  Make a new cooking blog for my Sister in law’s recipe for some kind of awesome cinnamon goo-y stuff

8.  Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

9. work on church’s eBay stuff…

10. Eclipse Tickets..

11. Work on eBay stuff

12. Figure out if there are any good auctions this weekend

Wednesday Seems Like a Good Day to Get Something Done

Wednesday’s To Do List…

1.  Work on VBS stuff

2.  Youth Group

3. Read some books to the monkeys

4. Change where eBay photos are hosted

5. Sign #3 up for the library program

6. Work on Church eBay stuff

7. Dinner= the frozen kind..

8. Upload photos to YG Facebook pages

9. Create Girl Scout Facebook page (upload some photos)

Thursday.. Thursday.. Thursday..

Dancers circa 1899

Thursday’s  To Do’s

1.  Fix photos

2. update blogs

3. Sew SEQUINS oh.. yes.. and more sequins

4. Dinner=I’m not sure what…

5. check on photos.. (I’m moving my hosting apparently this is an on going process until Monday)

6. Clean the abode.. because well.. it’s pretty bad.

7. Take the monkeys to rehearsal from 3-6:30