Every year since #1 was ten or so we have gone to Crown Center to see Santa. If you are not from Kansas City, or you've never been there.. you should go at least once. It truly is a magical place at Christmas.

Here's #4 and #5 waiting to go into the Crayola Land
play place to see Santa.

He looks a little nervous.. I wonder if he's been good this year?

These two have been really bad. Just look at them!

This place is awesome.. it has all kinds of things for the
kids to do while the parents wait in line for the kids to
see Santa. Here's #4 getting ready to slide.

I thought #3 wouldn't play on the stuff this year since
she was in a "serious" dress. But that didn't stop her and
her American Girl Doll.

Holy Smokes.. after a few minutes of playing, we had our first
spotting of Santa! They boys immediately want to get in line.

Here we have #2, (holding everyone's shoes) #5, and #4. They are
eye-balling Santa.. I love #5's hands. They were REALLY checking him out.
I don't think they said a single word while we stood in line and waited.

When we finally got to the front of the line, there wasn't any
hesitation this year. They just hopped right up on his lap!

I'm not sure what this kid is telling him, but I can guess it has
something to do with Transformers, Spiderman, and Nintendo.
#2 told me Santa was surprised to see someone "so old" on his lap. It's pretty bad to be an old has-been at thirteen! #2 said he asked for a ear piece for his phone.. and Legos. (what a combo)
#3 asked for American Girl doll stuff.
#4 asked for 2 new Nintendo remotes, a car that drives on the walls, and a hover car.
I asked #5 again what he asked for from Santa.. and he gave me this look..

"I'm not telling you"