Friday I went to our local Wal-mart to buy a few things.. mostly a brisket to make THIS. My trip was uneventful.. I bought some groceries… and what I thought were 3 short sleeve T-shirts for myself. The T-shirts were all stacked on the same little kiosk thing in the same place. What I didn’t know until I got home was I mistakenly bought 2 tank tops and 1 T-shirt. If you’ve ever seen my arms you’d know I am not Michelle Obama. So I put them back in the sack to return them.
Here is my Walmart receipt… Do you see anything wrong with it?
This part is missing…
Remember how I said my trip was uneventful? Apparently I was wrong. It was my cashier’s first day. She mistakenly ripped my receipt.. So today when I went to return the shirts… my torn receipt became a “not valid” receipt.
I explain to the people in customer service that I have a receipt.. they tell me it’s not valid. I point at the receipt and say.. “Look here are the 2 tank tops!” I get the “I’m sorry it’s not valid.” Then she explains to me she can give me a gift card. Over and over in my head I’m thinking I have a receipt. I finally get a “customer service manager” to explain to me that I am missing apart of the receipt. (why the 1st chick didn’t do that I have no idea)
I told CSM what happened on Friday. She tells me that they don’t know if I bought those tank tops in the last 90 days or not (even though I just said I bought them Friday). I remind her that this is Kansas.. and we’ve had 22 inches of snow this last 90 days alone.. and perhaps Wal-mart in KANSAS doesn’t sell tank tops year round. While we were discussing Kansas and year round tank tops, I dug through my purse and found the torn end… they gave me my WHOLE $12.00 back.. and I left ticked off.
In case you wondered… Here’s Wal-Mart’s Return Policy