Bought and Found at the Estate Sale

Friday I stopped by a FABULOUS Estate sale in Overland Park Kansas.  Here's what I saw:

Nice house… beautiful fall leaves.

past memories estate sales, overland park, shopping

The Estate Sale was run by Past Memories.. They were fantastic.. super nice

with fair prices 🙂

I really like that double handle pot.. too bad I *just* noticed it!

I love stuff in the garage…


Beautiful quilts from the 1930's


estate sale, pottery

more Dishes..

crystal, kitchen

kitchen.. and crystal

old ribbon, 1970's hallmark ribbon

My mom would put this kind of yarn-ribbon in my hair when I was a kid.


#1 checking out the stuff

Old books and paintings.


I bought quite a bit of stuff.. but forgot to take a photo!  Hopefully I'll get that done after Trick or Treating tonight!

Friday’s To Do..

Extreme Home Makeover House.. Day 4

Friday's To Do..

  • Find 15 passenger van.. because the one we had on loan.. we no longer are able to borrow.
  • Pick up the van.. if I can find one. :/
  • Work on Mission Trip stuff
  •  Pack for Mission Trip
  • Grocery store
  • Make Brisket
  • Dinner= Home Makeover Site
  • bank
  • make copies