Extreme Makeover Kansas Style…

Here's some photos from the Extreme Makeover Home Edition.. Ottawa Kansas build…


I'm not sure what is so interesting on this road.. but they are filming it.

Women working… well they were working.  Now they are cooling off.  See those charts behind them?  That is the schedule of what needs to be done and the time it needs to be done in..

More women working.

I wore my hard hat, glasses and closed toed shoes.. I looked beautiful.. I didn't take any photos.. you'll have to take my word for it.  It was 108.. and  my hair looked FABULOUS!

Bring Change 2 mind is the organization that nominated the Hill family for their new house. You should check them out! http://www.bringchange2mind.org

This is the theme of this build… dust.

Here's the boy in the VIP tent .. that's his logo right there.  He maybe smiling, but he looks exhausted to me.

Extreme Home Makeover Kansas Edition Up Date

Here's my sweet Monkey (#2) and his friend Jackson.  They are working hard on the build site.

Volunteer Tent

Wal-mart/ Sams donated a refrigerated trailer. They are storing water for the workers in here.  Since it's been 108 here in Kansas some people have gone in there to cool off. 🙂

The job site …. A night

The swimming pool on the ground…

The swimming pool in the AIR..

I believe these are footings? 

Dirt… lots and lots.. of Dirt


Digging.. diggers?

I believe this house will have a basement.. what do you think?

One Tired kid… that I love!

If you are Near Kansas City….

I have a secret.. I get to tell part of it today… My dork-y son #2 was asked a  month or so ago to be the Extreme Makeover Home Edition IT (Internet Technologies) director for the Kansas Build.  I know what you are saying.. isn't that kid only 15?  Yes.. Yes he is.  He's just that cool 😉


Extreme Home Makeover Home Edition is coming to Kansas.  TONIGHT is the Pep Rally.. Do you want to come?  Consider yourself invited!

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” is pleased to announce that several well-deserving families are under consideration for an extreme home makeover in the East Central Kansas region. Several families have been nominated based on their courageous stories. Come the beginning of August, the lives of one lucky family will forever be changed when they hear that special knock on their door and learn they have been selected for an Extreme Home Makeover.

There are several ways you can be involved.

1) Volunteer- There will be a Pep Rally for anyone interested. Tuesday, July 19, 2011 6-8pm at the Overland Park Convention Center 600 College Blvd Overland Park, KS 66216. The Marching Cobras and KU Pep Band will be be there. Come find out more about how you can be a part of this special event. If you can't attend the event, you can sign up out our website. http://www.joinextreme.com/kansas/  . We still need a lot of volunteers.

2) Sponsorship- If you or your company want to help sponsor the family and the build, we have several sponsorship packages available. Contact Traci Greer at 913-488-4199 or homewiseliving@yahoo.com

3 ) Donate- Anyone can donate funds to the family and the build. We also need building supplies. Just go to the website. http://www.joinextreme.com​/kansas/

4) Eat BBQ- Yep. You read that right. Come join us August 4th from 6-9pm. The Kansas City BBQ Society will bring in 6 of country's Top PitMasters for the Extreme BBQ Throwdown. The Extreme Makeover Home Edition cast will award the winning BBQ. The location and entertainment will be posted at the site.