One of my favorite things to do is look at houses. I’m not crazy about doing it for myself.. but for other people.. I love it. With five children and a grumpy husband it’s too much work to find the “perfect house”.
Enter my friend Patrick. He is looking for a house, and he asked ME.. to give him my opinon. Can you believe it? Someone WANTS my opinion..?!?! On a house!

Here we are on the glassed in screened porch. For some reason I never took a photo of the
front of the house..

I love the “shoo fly” design they did in carpet squares. One of the coolest things
(I forgot to take a photo of) is the mail slot that opens up on the other side of the door.

Here’s the old super cool front door.

A view from the Living Room into the dining room (check out the built in china cabinet)

View from the dining room into the living room

Check out the window seat in the dining room! (charming huh?)

This is the guest room

One of the bathroom’s with the original tub!

The den.. with a HUGE closet. Patrick is standing in the hall…

From the Den looking into the master bedroom

Master bedroom with a WINDOW SEAT! The window seat opens up and is lined with cedar!

Charming kitchen…

One of the garages…

The garage has a “drive thru” from front to back this is the back.

Standing on the HUGE DECK… you can see part of the french doors.

View of the second garage, backyard and alley.

I’m not sure what kind of tree this is.. do you know?

Morning Glory.. I love them!

This was growing on the deck.. any idea what those potato looking things are?
Cute little house huh?