What’s in A Name…

#3.5 knows how much I love the Adopt Shoppe jewelery.  She watches to see when they are going to have a sale on Instagram or Etsy… and will bid or try to nab one for me.  For mothers day she was successful!  


Look how CUTE the packaging is! HOLY SMOKES I wish I could package my items up like this!


Great branding!


This is the necklace #3.5 got me.  Do you love it?  I do!


I ordered these individual charms with each one of my children's name on them. I wore them everyday

while I was in South Dakota on the Mission Trip.  While we were there we worked/played with the Indian

children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.  I would show them my necklace and talk to them about my children.

It really was a great ice breaker to get them to talk to me.


To read my previous blog post about the Adopt Shoppe go HERE

Check out the Adopt Shoppe on Facebook.

Happy Mother’s Day!

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be

Today is not just Mother's Day.. but it's Graduation Sunday at our church.  Why Ottawa High School scheduled Graduation on Mother's Day I'll never know…. Since I'm blessed to be the Youth Director at our church, it is my pleasure to put on a luncheon for the graduates and their family.  After that it's graduation.. and some of the graduates even invited their youth leader to their parties.  It will be a full day for me.

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day

I am a mother. Really I am. I never thought I would be blessed with one kid.. let alone 6. Seriously..

I took home ec and 4 years of sewing because I secretly wanted to be one of those mothers. You know.. a combination of June Cleaver, Aunt Bea, Carol Brady and Mrs. C. I wanted to bake cookies, be a home room mom, go on field trips, make great lunches and leave cute little notes in their lunch boxes. I wanted to make princess dresses, drink tea from tiny cups and wipe their noses with my shirt. It wasn't popular to want to be a stay at home mom when I was growing up. I was expected to be more and want more. In a way I guess I did… I've always wanted more children 🙂

Just in case you have never met my children.. let me introduce them to you..

#6, #4 #1, #2, #5, #4 (all in their Easter outfits)

This is me and #1

#2.. (with his new drivers license)

This is #3…

angel, christmas pagent

#4 my sweet angel

#5 hanging out at the library.. reading..

Last but not least.. #6 sleeping

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day! I received my presents on Saturday… 🙂

Here’s my family.. ready to give me my Mother’s Day presents.

**the arrow is pointing to the police scanner that never leaves

#2’s  body.  He’s my favorite nerd…

#5 with my azalea bush.  Every azalea bush I’ve ever

tried to grow has died.. Hopefully this year.. we will

get this one to grow big..

perfect scents, escents, lotion, overland park, hawthorne plaza

I received some Euphoria lotion and some Pantene Smooth

Straight Conditioner in the convenient “Costco” size.  We

have this little problem in our home where my daughters

take my conditioner out of my shower.. and when I get in my

shower it’s gone.. So they thought it would be cute to get me a

big bottle of it.

Here’s #4 with a new foxglove plant.  Isn’t it pretty?

What’s up with #2’s face?  I promise #2 I love your

present just as much 🙂