What’s in A Name…

#3.5 knows how much I love the Adopt Shoppe jewelery.  She watches to see when they are going to have a sale on Instagram or Etsy… and will bid or try to nab one for me.  For mothers day she was successful!  


Look how CUTE the packaging is! HOLY SMOKES I wish I could package my items up like this!


Great branding!


This is the necklace #3.5 got me.  Do you love it?  I do!


I ordered these individual charms with each one of my children's name on them. I wore them everyday

while I was in South Dakota on the Mission Trip.  While we were there we worked/played with the Indian

children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.  I would show them my necklace and talk to them about my children.

It really was a great ice breaker to get them to talk to me.


To read my previous blog post about the Adopt Shoppe go HERE

Check out the Adopt Shoppe on Facebook.