1:15 am: Woke up with hacking cough.. Then said cough woke up #6. But neither the cough or the baby woke up The Man.
1:22 am: Got #6 back to sleep.. looked for remote..
1:28 am: Remembered that #4 hid the remote (that goes to the TV in my bedroom) from #5 and decide I'll go to sleep listening to the infomercial about some jeans I can sleep in or something.
Yes I have a TV in my bedroom.. don't tell my mother.
4:30 am: #6 wakes again
6:45 am: #2 comes in to tell me we need to leave.. 10 minutes ago if we are going to be first in line to get the good junk.
7:00 am: Leave and head out to the sale and errands I need to run. Wonder if I have enough time to get breakfast before the sale. (I don't)

#2 very happy he's the first in line! That kids mom should cut his hair!
7:30 am: FIRST in LINE at Sale buy some junk to sell.
8:45 am Breakfast and Grocery Shopping

Entry way…
10:00 am Unload the car.. realize that my entryway looks like a box company threw up in there.
10:00:15 am: Remember I have company staying over this weekend and allow my mind to race.. to try to figure out what to do to make my house look better than my entryway.
10:00:25 am: Remember that I am responsible for feeding the little kids at this weekend's "Art of Marriage" weekend at our church.

Chicken and Noodle's
10:30 am: Make Chicken and Noodles (for tomorrows lunch). Cook sausage patties for tonight's "breakfast for dinner" for the kids at church.
11:00 am: Remember that I need to try to make my house look like company is coming over, force children to clean.
11:00:25 am: Bribe children with Hostess products and Transformer Movie (that came out today on DVD) if they pick up.
11:01 am: While the children are picking I remember I bought some cute little sparkly doo-dad's to put in a glass jar I have.

Wish I had more doo-dad's to fill this jar.

11:02 am: Realize that sparkly doo-dad's are not doo dad's.. but SKELETONS! Nothing like a glitter skeleton to say "Welcome to our home. Come in, relax! Don't worry we won't go all "Criminal Minds or Dexter on you!"

11:03 am: Realize I could make a little "Fall Harvest" centerpiece on the island in the kitchen. THAT says "Welcome" right?

11:07 am: #2 mocks my display of Fall, and #1 says: "What's with the Fall, we are CHRISTMAS people." I take my grocery store donuts out of the box and display them on a cake plate.. Store bought DONUTS for breakfast are welcoming RIGHT?
11:08 am: I make sure the kids are still cleaning and then #6 starts making those "I'm hungry" noises.

#6 with a cookie.
Sometimes when he wakes me up a couple a times a night, I think maybe I'll let the dog take care of him. Then he looks at me and I think.. He so stink' cute, I'll give him a cookie to tide him over.

#6 giving his puppy the cookie.
Then the starving baby gives the cookie to the dog!
11:15 am: I sit down to write a few things up, and remember that I have not done school today. Friday's are normally light days at our humble school.. but I haven't even thought about giving them a spelling test.. I haven't even walked up to the school room to see what I wrote down to do today.
I resolve that we will do Friday's school on Sunday afternoon. (Dad will be here.. and no one will give me any grief when The Man is home. 🙂 Just one of the many things I love about him.
11:18 am: I ask #1 if she'll take a few pictures for me. Then I tell her to forget about it because she's wearing her TASKMASTER hat helmet and making all the other monkey's clean.
11:19 am: Facebook has called my name.
11:20 am: I've got to get a few things written up!
11:39 am: Did I do any Follow Friday's on Twitter?
11:43 am: Write up some more junk.
12:01 pm: I need some iced tea. I wonder if I can get a kid to make me some? I then realize if I ask a monkey to do it, I will stop their cleaning momentum.

12:02 pm: I go in the kitchen and see this kid. He informs me he is S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G, and it is WAY past his lunch time. "Can he have a Ho-Ho?" Once he says starving, the rest of the vultures (with their keen sense of hearing) decide they are hungry too.
12:03 pm: Ask #1 to make lunch and #3 to feed #6 so that I can get some of the junk written up.
12:04 pm: I check Facebook to see if anything cool has happened in the last 12 seconds.
12:05 pm: The Man calls. I whine to him about how I've done nothing today. We have whitty banner about this weekend, and "did I get any good stuff at the sale."
definition of whitty: An awful attempt at commenting on something in order to sound clever. (this my life in a nutshell)
12:09 pm: I realize I haven't written a blog today… and here we are.
** No children were harmed in the making of this blog.. all children have been feed, including the dog.
** The entryway still looks the way it did at 10:00 am. My guests will now know how I really live. If they give me any grief, facebook, tweet or blog about it.. I'll feed them to the glittery skeletons.
** Just Kidding
** Kinda