I realized today I didn't post the photos of our Christmas tree and decorations in the family room.
The family room tree *was* a tree that had ornaments that I had collected especially for it.. but as my children have grown, it has more handmade ornaments and less of my "collected" ornaments.
The tree.. all decorated.. and with a few presents for the monkeys..
The Stockings were Hung by the Chimney with care.
Next year I'll have to make all new stockings.. because #6
will be here. I wish I had extra of that wool felt, because I really
liked those stocking. 🙂
Here is #3, #5 and #4 decorating the tree.
#2 putting on the star.
Decoration on the top of the piano.. The man doesn't like my
window wreaths.. but I like them… 🙂
Some of my favorite nesting Santa Claus'.
I wish I had 6 of these Starbucks wreaths… I would use them
as my window wreaths.