Wednesday’s To Do’s

I'm busy as a….

Wednesday's To Do's…

  1. Take #2 and #4 to the dentist
  2. Clean up eBay Room.
  3. Youth Group!
  4. Paint youth room
  5. Make all those dumb phone calls.
  6. Set up October bulletin board
  7. Get #3's squirt bottles and hair bob's for her class she's teaching..
  8. help her make the gift hair bob's.

Monday.. Monday..

funny kid, toothpaste

I know I posted this photo the other day.. but I just love it.

Monday’s To Do’s

  • School the monkey’s
  • Friends of the Library sale
  • Clean the house.
  • List eBay junk
  • Write eBay stuff up
  • Dinner= Fajitas, rice, beans and spoon bread.
  • Dance
  • Call Girl Scouts
  • Update blogs (it’s a dream.. that I hope to do 😉 )
  • Call 1st Baptist about lock in.
  • write article
  • call about the wii.. it’s broken and the man can’t fix it.
  • Call insurance company
  • Remind the man to make his phone call.