My Secret Engagment Ring

angel, christmas pagent

This little angel… (get it he's and angel..I crack myself up!) gave me an engagement ring 4 years ago today. 

To some it may just be a plastic tag off of a something, but to me it's the ring #4 gave me.

I've worn it everyday since June 6, 2008.  I only take it off to show people. 

I do have lots of people that ask me about it… Want to read more about my ring?  Check HERE  and HERE

I’m Getting Married.. as Soon as The Man Let’s Me

Today is a special anniversary for #4 and I.  You see two years ago to day he gave me this:

wedding rings, unusual ring, plastic tag holder

He’s pretty romantic for a 7 year old don’t you think?

If you just started reading my blog (WELCOME!).. or if you are one of my 5 readers.. you’d know this is the ring #4 pledged his love to me with. (he really asked me to marry him 🙂  You can check out my original blog about it  HERE.

I never take it off, except to show people… I love the strange looks I get when people notice it, but are too scared to ask me what it is.  Sometimes #4 just comes over and grabs my hand to see if I still have it on.

anniversary, wedding ring, I'm married

No one thought it would last.. the ring that is.  The Man

predicted it would outlast the sun.  Today is #4 and I’s

anniversary.. I asked him if he still wanted to marry me;

He said; “Sure if Dad let’s me!”

Good Gravy! I love that kid!