We had five high school graduates, and several college graduates. We honored them in church with a small ceremony and a cute video with photos of each one of them growing up.

It was my family’s “day” to handle children’s church.

For those of you not experienced with Children’s Church.. It’s when a victim um-uh.. family is selected to teach a small Bible lesson to our church’s 4 yr old – 3rd graders while the sermon is taking place. We have a super cool felt board to tell the story.. which I forgot to take a photo of. We also played musical chairs, which was very loud.. but a good time filler.

No.. I did not bore this poor child to death. He is simply really into coloring, and must close his eyes to think and ponder each color before he chooses it.

Christian Education Committee served Brisket, Cheesy Potatoes, Strawberry Salad, Veggies, Bake Beans & Rolls to the Graduates and their family before graduation.

You’d never know these girls were sisters Huh? OH and that’s their dad behind them..

Another set of Siblings… these kids have more musical talent in their pinky.. than I have in my whole body.

I’m not sure about the pirate money hat.. but that kid has the bluest eyes ever!

On your left we have a high school graduate.. on your right we have a teacher that just received her Masters Degree. That high school graduate was in the first class she ever taught in public school.. pretty cool huh?