Getting older freaks me out a little bit. Sometimes I think our society believes that old people are irrelevant, and have no purpose. That kind of scares me. I want to be relevant. I want to have a purpose. I think sometimes we look at some one that is older and forget that they have lived.. and have done cool, stupid, important things. Thursday (July 9th) was my birthday.. and over this last weekend we did some of my favorite things to celebrate!
On Wednesday I celebrated my birthday with the Youth Group and sweet Alexis. Alexis and I have the same birthday
I’m not sure why #2 picked out a dog cake for us.. but it does kind of look like our dog a little bit.
Thursday we went to see Jurassic World at the Fork and Screen.. (my favorite) That’s all the little muffins.. it’s just hard to see them.
On June 11, 1993 Jurassic Park opened up and I was one of the first people to see that movie in the Clearwater Mall. I was getting ready to move back home to Kansas from Florida and thought this movie was the break I needed between packing. I went to the movie by myself.. and the theater was FULL. When the raptor jumped out in the kitchen scene, I grabbed some dude’s leg next to me. As I was sitting in the Olathe Kansas.. with all my kids surrounding me.. I thought just how far I had come, and just how lucky I was. The first time I saw a Jurassic movie I was alone.. and moving home hoping to get married and have a family.. and look at me now! I sat next to #4 and during the movie he leaned over and said; “If you get scared and grab my leg it will be OK mom.”
After the movie we went and shopping and looked for my pig plates I want..
The only place besides eBay these can be found are Marshall’s or TJ Maxx. They are Magenta by Rae Dunn. She makes all kinds of cute stuff. I’m not crazy about the white one.. but I want the red, green and yellow one. I first found these in the Buckhead (Atlanta) Marshalls. I am going to use them for my salad plates. I got lucky and found some more in Kansas City.
After shopping we met The Man and ate dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant.. Rice House. I love their Springfield Cashew Chicken.
Friday The Man got us a hotel room for the night. While he was working…
I was working at our hotel room.
AND.. I had a fantastic lunch.. shrimp cocktail, croissant, cantaloupe, Argo Tea and a pomegranate Pellegrino.
It’s amazing how much you can get done when you can focus… and don’t have any interruptions.
The Man got off work.. and we did a little furniture shopping. Our dining room table use to be perfect for us.. and then we had #6 and well.. we need a bigger table. I told him I wanted THIS table and he said if I played my cards right and found the top.. he would make it. Uh.. that’s a good day right?
We ate dinner at Ted’s Cafe Escondido. They just opened up in Overland Park. It was really good!
Saturday morning we went to the Nelson Akins Museum.
Sniped an auction for this cute little needlepoint I wanted.. and WON!