When I was a child my parents had these dishes. I remember setting the table at all the major holidays, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas. But we never used these dishes on Mothers Day. Why?

Well, they aren’t dishwasher safe… See that little gold-tan rim? That will come off in the dishwasher (or so my mother told me), and my mother didn’t want to wash the dishes on her special day!

These are Adams Caylx Ware and are in the Metz pattern. My mother says these dishes came from her aunt and uncle; Art and Nell Weaver. If you are from Lawrence Kansas, you’ll know them from Weavers Department store… if not, you’ll just think of them as a sweet old couple that loved my mother. My father says he brought them back from a trip to Japan while he was in the Navy. I tend to believe my mother.
So.. back to the story.. I really, really wanted these dishes. I grew to love them, because I had wrapped these dishes each time we moved. I hand washed them so many times, and lovingly set them back in the china cabinet. I was sure my mother would let me have them. She hadn’t used them since I was 13.. so surely she’ll let me have them. She didn’t.

These dishes aren’t the most attractive set to me. They are not what I would pick if I were to go pick out a set of china today. But because they hold such a wonderful memory of the special dinners we ate when I was a child… I needed to own this set.

My mother refused to give them to me.. or let me buy them. So I bought them all on eBay.

I’m not trying to brag.. but I have a place setting for 12, includng the cream soup bowls, and egg cups. Ok.. maybe I’m trying to rub it in a little.. I also have 4 platters, a huge rare salad bowl, covered dish and cake plate.. but who’s counting.