It’s Gotta Be Done.. To Do List Tuesday Feb 9th

Don’t want to blog about your To Do list?  How about writing on your hand?

You could be like Sara Palin 🙂

  1. School the Monkey’s
  2. Write up 10 eBay things
  3. Plan Girl Scout Valentine’s Party
  4. Plans for YG.
  5. Write Article
  6. Finish Mission Fish Stuff I’ve done as much as I can do.. waiting on others now.
  7. Blog..Blog..Blog
  8. Find missing  Netflix..
  9. GET WARM!  (It’s cold here in Kansas)
  10. Dinner = Grilled Kielbasa, Scalloped potatoes, green beans unless I have a meeting.. then it’s left overs
  11. Take #4 to dance.
  12. Clean.. Clean… Clean..
  13. Start planning the GS Camp Out
  14. Wii Fit 30 minutes
  15. Make Power Point.