Wednesday’s To Do… Mission Trip Edition

Mount Rushmore

Wednesday's To Do..


June 20th  Wednesday

6:30 AM Breakfast Crew Up

7:00 A.M. Breakfast

7:30 Am  Clean up/ Leave to pick up kids

7:45 A.M. Devotions

9:00 Am    Basketball/Crafts/Computer time

10:30 AM Snack

12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:45 P.M. Cleanup take kids back home

2:00PM Pack Picnic Dinner

3:00 P.M.  MT Rushmore

5:30 PM  Picnic Dinner in Black Hills

9:30 PM  Snack/Worship time

10:15 PM  Bed

Wednesday’s List..

1. Wii Fit

2. List eBay Stuff

3.  make sure I have all the stuff for the play tomorrow.

4. Do something with #2′s hair.

5. Dinner= Frozen kind.. we’ll be at church

6. Clean School Room

7. Get school books ready for 2010-2011

Wednesday’s Working List..

Watermelon, balling watermelon

Nothing says summer like watermelon. Here’s #4 making watermelon balls.

Wednesday’s To Do List

1. Get Youth Group Stuff Together..

2. Write up Church’s Charity eBay Stuff.

3.  Fix pictures

4. Dinner = Potluck.. we are bringing Grilled Chicken Pizza

5. map out estate sales for this weekend..

6. 30 min on the Wii