Deep Thoughts.. of Winter

I don’t know about where you are.. but here in Kansas it’s been hot.  SUPER hot.. as in 107 degrees… on some days.  So to cool us all down here’s a shot of this last winter.. during an ice storm.

winter in the woods, keep cool

This is our side yard..

A pot with icicles..

Even in this heat.. I still like summer best.  How about you?

Wednesday’s Working List..

Watermelon, balling watermelon

Nothing says summer like watermelon. Here’s #4 making watermelon balls.

Wednesday’s To Do List

1. Get Youth Group Stuff Together..

2. Write up Church’s Charity eBay Stuff.

3.  Fix pictures

4. Dinner = Potluck.. we are bringing Grilled Chicken Pizza

5. map out estate sales for this weekend..

6. 30 min on the Wii

Dreaming of Summer.. in the middle of a Deep Freeze

I'm FREEZING.. It's cold no matter what I'm doing.. or where I am.

I used to live where it was warm, and on days like today I wonder why I'm not back in a warmer climate! I've lived in Southern California for a while and Clearwater Florida for a couple of years too. If I could get The Man to move there… I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm not sure even a high paying, cush-ie job could make him move from his land. He likes living out in the country too much. We all know there isn't any "land" in southern California.. and Florida I would only want to live near the ocean… no land there really either.

So as I freeze.. (and maybe you are cold too..) here are some pictures of summer to warm you up.

The Man tells me these are a nuisance, and not a flower. I

think the thistle is beautiful. It always makes me a little sad to

see him spray them.

Here is a perfect rose from my garden this summer.

I can almost smell it..

If this photo doesn't say summer, I don't know what does.

Here are 3 of my 5 grubby children in their new swimsuits. (from last

summer) I remember a photo of my mother in a swimsuit

out in the middle of deep snow. I wonder if I could get these

monkey's to do that.. I know which one would do it.. Can you guess?

(here's a hint.. they are not pictured)