Dear eBay Queen: Where Can I Find Inventory During a Pandemic?

Dear eBay Queen:

I’m freaking out.  I don’t know what to do.  I need more inventory to list on eBay.  I know I will never be able to list the 50K listing eBay has given us this April, but I’d like to make a dent.  I also really miss hunting for product.  Do you have any suggestions for me?

Geri G


Dear Geri:

The 5oK listing was a fantastic gift from eBay.  I won’t ever hit that either, but I’m trying.   I’m sure you’ve heard of the term arbitrage.  That is  the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets.  eBay arbitrage would be buying items at lower than usual prices and then selling them for a profit.  A successful arbitrager is one that knows the worth of the product.  There are so many places to buy online and then turn around and re-sell them on eBay.    I’m not sure what you normally sell or what product you know best.  I know that you can find something online in these places.


Here are a few suggestions:

  1. eBay.  15 years ago I was really into quilts.  I would surf eBay for quilts that were at a low price or had bad/limited photos.  I made a pretty good living buying and selling quilts.  Maybe there is something you know about you can could look for to re-sell.
  2. Amazon.  There are so many videos and websites that talk about buying items on Amazon and re-selling them on eBay
  3. Department stores  There are  many department stores that are taking deep discounts on their product.  Shop for items you can re-sell
  4. Facebook Marketplace  Someone is always giving away or selling something on Facebook.
  5. Goodwill Did you know that Goodwill runs it’s own website/auction where you can buy product?
  6. Neighbors Message your neighbors.  Maybe they have something they can set out for you to come get.
  7. You What do you have in your house you could sell?  Do you have old clothes?  What about any death piles (the stuff you’ve put off listing?)

I hope this gives you a few ideas of how to find inventory to help meet your listing goals.

Crazy eBay Item of the Week: Vtg Amish Quilt Diamond In A Square Fabulous Jewel Tones Hand Sewn Lancaster PA  SOLD $510.00 Check it out HERE

Thursday’s Plans 04-09-2002 Quarantine Day 17


  • School
  • Write up and list eBay and Amazon
  • Dinner= Steak, baked potatoes, Green beans homemade croissants  Salad
  • Post Office
  • Send progress email (daily)
  • Send email regarding finishing of needlepoint
  • Figure out where my Michael’s order is…
  • Clean and vacuum rugs
  • Zoom needlepoint gathering
  • Transfer $
  • Laundry
  • Clean out car
  • Get Easter Baskets for Adult children ready
  • Clean up behind leather chairs