Needlepoint Challenge 20 in 2020 #7

Here is #7 of my 20 needlepoint is 2020.  This is Joan Crawford.. you know Mommy Dearest?  I think I will make this into a paperweight OR applique it on something.  The canvas is by Crude Canvas. You can buy their stuff HERE


I asked on Instagram and Facebook which canvas should be #8.  They picked the Kansas City Chiefs heart.  You can buy that HERE.

Needlepoint 20 in 20 #20in20: My 3 out of 20

There is a hashtag going around the web called #20in20.  Th is is for crazy needlepointers that think they can finish 20 needlepoints in this year.  I have joined that crazy group.  I have one HUGE project that I started in November of 2019.

Here is the first picture I took of the Elizabeth Turner Queen Bee needlepoint.

Here is what it looks like today.  I doubt I will finish this in 2020.  But I’ll try.


Here are the 3 I have finished.

Coke Sign for #4

Poppy Scissor Holder


Red Pineapple Ornament from Hawaii

Needlepoint Update

#1 bought this needlepoint for mother’s day for me.  It is a Kirk and Bradley canvas, and when I received it I was pleasantry surprised at how BRIGHT this canvas was.  I had settled on a ribbon for the brightest pink, and ran out.  I looked everywhere for the same dye lot and color.  No luck.

After a little searching I did find a good replacement.

The Finished product:


I did the white and black in wool, the purple centers in velvet.  It’s hard to tell but the back in the center is sparkly.  I’m going to have this finished as a pillow.


Here’s what I am working on now:

This is an Elizabeth Turner Queen Bee canvas.  It is supposed to be finished into a mirror.  But I made the center  Initials.

The Secret Life of Artists

Sometimes as a mom you get to peek into the lives of you children and it makes your heart happy.  #3.5 is quite the artist.  She draws all the time, and I think she inspires #6 to do the same.  A couple of nights ago #3.5 was sitting at the table drawing, and #6 started drawing with her.



He’s not sure how to sharpen the colored pencil so she’s showing him.



She let him use her phone to draw a sea life.



Not too bad for a 5 year old.