Hope this brings a smile to your face.. like it does mine. 🙂
Category Archives: Excuses
How Crazy Can Turn into Gratitude
I had a crazy day. Normally when I say "crazy".. I mean hectic. Yesterday, I had a seriously crazy day. You know Webster's Dictionary definition of CRAZY: Adjective: Mentally deranged, esp. as manifested in a wild or aggressive way: "Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor". (that kind of crazy)
The first thing that took me out of my element:
I woke up 2 of our 6 children at the crack of dawn, got them dressed, fed them a made to order breakfast and took them into town. If you know me, You'd know that I'm not really a morning person. I'm more like a 8:30am stay in my yoga pants until 11:00am the man comes home kind of girl.
The second thing that took me out of my element:
I enrolled #4 in our public school district. Not as a full time student, but just for speech and reading help. It was something I thought I would never do. Not because I am such a staunch homeschooler, but because I swore I would NEVER put my child in this particular school district again. I'm happy to report he has some great speech and reading teachers… but like someone that has a mild form of PTSD.. I still get the shakes going in the building.
The third thing:
I had someone call and offer me a job. .. I wasn't looking for. That's crazy right?
The fourth and the cherry on the top of this day…
I received a bizarre, and abusive phone call from a woman I never met. To say I was taken back by the call would be an understatement. All I know is I tried to be kind, listen and put myself in her position. I tried to explain to her how she was mistaken and apologized, and she still didn't let up. I'm proud of how I handled myself. The old me from 20 years ago would have let her have it, because she was screaming at me. I feel bad for her that she did not hear there was a misunderstanding. She didn't hear that *no one* was out to get her. I can only imagine how unhappy and insecure she must feel. I'm not sure how a person can feel better about themselves saying what she said… she obviously did not call me to figure out what was going on, but only to try make me feel bad. I guess it worked, because I feel bad for her, and not myself or my actions. I hope her screaming and yelling at me accomplished the security she needs in her relationship. I know it changed my opinion of her and her relationship with her loved ones.
At the end of this crazy day… I still have been blessed with everything I've ever hoped to have: I have the gift of a new day , A husband that loves me, (and I him) 6 awesomely quirky and funny children I never thought I would have, a house I enjoy being in, a car that runs (but sucks the gas), high speed internet (even in though I live in the boonies), a bunch of youth that I enjoy hanging out with… and friends that I have had for years that love me no matter what. Yesterday was a weird, bizarre day that made my somewhat level world turn ever so slightly. After a good nights sleep and a good laugh with The Man about the day.. all was back to normal in my world. Am I blessed or what?
If You Like the Kansas Jayhawks.. Don’t look…
I was in Walgreens the other day and saw this Kansas name mint tin thing. I checked it out to see if any of my children's names (who have weird names) were on these tins. When I saw this..
At first I thought this is a pretty specific name.. "RICK CHALK". Then I realized it should say "ROCK CHALK" as in Rock Chalk Jayhawk. I almost bought one for proof, but didn't.
PS.. only #1 and #2's names were on these mints…. to bad I didn't name any of them RICK.
Reunions, Age and Being Old on Today’s What Should I Wear?
A few weeks ago it occurred to me that I had two reunions to go to this year; The Man had his reunion last Saturday and mine will be in late October. This got me thinking about stuff…
- what should I wear?
- would my best friend from school be there? (since some man
tookwooed her to Jeff City) - Do I have anything relevant to wear?
- Will I look like the mother of 6… while everyone else looks like they have spent their life in Paris France (not Texas) and Milan Italy (not Indiana)?
- Do I need to wear jeans with rhinestones and big white stitching to be cool?
- What if I don't 't show my shoulders or arms because they are just too dang chubby for the light of day to see?
- Does everything I own have peanut butter and jelly or spit up on it?
- Maybe I should buy something that isn't black.
- Maybe I'm too old and have too many children to think about fashion.
- I think I'm going to wear black.
When I was in grade school 40 year old women looked like this…
Bea Authur on Maude
When I was a teenager 40 year old women looked like this…
Dynasty! (one of my favorite shows)
Now 40 year old women look like this…
Sex and the City
and this..
and this..
Have you noticed that women don't have grey hair any more.. and they are all blonde?
I guess age is much more important than I have been giving it credit. I was asked to apply to be on a parenting board. When I did, they turned me down because I am "too old" to be on it. I have 6 kids.. one of which is 7 months old! Seriously? I'm too old? A month or so ago, I had someone want to interview me because of eBay… and when they learned how old I am… the told me I was too old for the interview. OUCH!
I don't feel old.. I don't think I'm irrelevant… I think I can learn something from ANYONE.. regardless of their age, race, station in life, color or religion.
Stay tuned.. I'll let you know how this whole "reunion" business works out, and if I wear something other than black with baby hurl on it.