Everyone Has an Excuse… and Here’s Mine…

I should be staying home today.  I have a BAZILLION things to do.. but  I’m not going to.. I’m going to run up to Kansas City to see my friend.  We’ve been friends since well.. social dance.  You know what social dance is right?  That’s the weird class you take when you don’t want to take a PE class.  BUT apparently other strange people do the same thing.. so well she and I became partners and friends.

This means there is no real list today… I’ll be spending most of the day with her.  The list.. will be back again soon..

Things to come.. or an excuse..

I spent this weekend doing all kinds of things.. Shopping, volunteering, baking, Christmas Parties, Babysitting my favorite niece and nephew and Family Christmas parties. I’m tired.. it’s been a busy weekend.  I wanted to blog about my the family party I went to.. (The Man’s side)… but I’m too tired..

.. so I’m going to leave you with this photo..


Do you know who this is?

-0- ZIP, NADA, ZERO, The Big Fat Nothng..

Plans.. I had such plans for writing my blog today.. But I had problems..

  1. Lightening did something to my wireless access at home. I can’t get on the internet..
  2. I got a late start doing school…
  3. Most importantly.. I left my cord for my camera at home.. and all the photos I’ve taken for the blog are on the camera..

Maybe.. just maybe after The Man gets home.. he will fix my internet and I will be able to post something…