One Year Ago….

One year ago today The Man and I came home with #6.  His birth was not like any of our other kids.  He was 8 weeks early and weighed a little over 4lbs.  If you've never had a child in the NICU, you probably don't realize you have to be "tested" to see if you know how to take care of your baby before you bring it home.  I wrote about that HERE.


The day they cut this band.. I wanted to cry.. I wanted to scream and do a jig.  (I didn't because I thought they'd keep me there if I did.)

Here's #4 and #6 the day he came home. 

You should know that #4 isn't bank robber, he just had a cold that day.

Here they are today..

He was 4lbs 3 ounces and 16" long when he was born.  He's 22lbs and 31" long one year later.  He went from wearing preemie clothes to wearing 18 month clothes.  How blessed are we?

Pretty blessed.

Wrapping It All Up.. Halloween & Who is 3.5?

I realized today that I had not properly introduced our newest family member AND I had not shown the monkey's dressed up for Halloween! 

Here's to killing 2 birds with 1 stone! (eww.. now that I wrote that, it sounds horrible.. but you get what I mean.  RIght?)

#4 in his Green Lantern Costume

#5.. I mean Darth Vader.. Nice Cat n the Hat Converse 🙂

#3.5 and #3

A month or so ago #3.5 came to live with us.  She and #3 have been friends since 1st grade, and #3 is sixteen HOURS older than #3.5.. which is how she got her number 🙂

You might be wondering what they were for Halloween. They have their own YouTube Show called "The Rita Show".  #3.5 is Rita, and #3 is an extra in the show.

Really.. it's pretty funny.

Welcome to the family you cute little muffin!

Now you know who #3.5 is.. AND what was worn on Halloween.  My work here is done. 🙂



Dear Deer, I found Two Bucks!

Deer, 15 point buck, big deer, award winning, record deer, back yard feeders

This morning I woke up bright and early to this creature. 

Oh and this one…. (there were 2 big bucks within 15 feet of each other)

There were also a couple of does.

Isn't this an awesome animal?  They were only about 20 feet from the back of our house.

I saw one of them while making breakfast.  I went over to our back doors to see him better and he looked up at me, like he knew I was looking at him.




See you later deer….

Has It Really Been 9 months?

Nine months ago today I gave birth to the cutest little baby. All mother's say that, but really check out this kid… see how cute he is?

One of my all time FAVORITE photos.. #2 and #6.

He was 2 months early, and the doctors said he'd be behind a little.. (whatever that means)  He's been standing (by himself) for a month now.  He talks, says Mama, babbles and does this:

Pouts.. that's a pretty cute pouter.. don't you think?

Happy 9month Birthday #6