A Scary but FUN! Night… at Jack’s Hollow..

My good friend Tammy has a fabulous party every year.  (I've written about Tammy before.. HERE HERE and HERE ) This year I didn't get go, because of a little kid I like to call #6.  He's not really outdoor party friendly..  🙁  These photos are brought to you by The Man.

jack's hollow, halloween, party

Entrance to the party.

This is a new feature this year.. It's a bunch of campers… camping..

This thing crawls down and grabs on of the campers…

and takes it up the line with him.  (Note to self don't show my Girl Scouts this) 😉

The graveyard

#3 and a couple of her friends.

#5 with Jack

Jack and a few monkey's…

Zombie Cabin

Stay out of this Dr's office…

Hay ride!

I'll see you next year.. I promise…

as long as you keep that camper zombie thing away from me.

The One about the Cute Blonde.. Baby

My sister and I look NOTHING alike. She's a blonde with green eyes.. and well I'm not. She's also tall.. and I'm not.  I'm like 10 years older than her… I vividly remember taking care of her and thinking she was the best thing EVER.  I would love to show you photos of how cute she was as a baby.. sadly I don't have those pictures.  I do have these photos of one of her daughters.. that looks just like her.


Look at those baby blue eyes!

Her mother says she's "sassy"… don't tell anyone, but her mother was "sassy" too!

Check out those curls!

LOVE those cheekies!

Her mother was horrified by her dirty feet.. but I thought they were charming.

See this look.. her momma made it too!


Sunday we celebrated our little brother's birthday.. and her 6 children and my 6 six children along with our brother's 1 child all got together.

My brother is in this group somewhere…

Stop Playing with Your Food!

A few weeks ago I took #3 with me to a restaurant for a meeting.

She had brought a book with her in case she became bored.  Well, she finished the book, and in her boredom decided to play with her food.

Do you see it?  It's a horse… running..   The butter is a sunset… and the lovely sugar creature is the horse. 

That Ain’t No Lady.. That’s My Wife..

ticket to the gun show, the man

15 years ago today.. this guy I made the best decision of his my life..

He married me. 

Some of you might be wondering how we had those 2 children so fast after the wedding.  I'll stick with what I said HERE.  (God works in mysterious ways.)

If you know the Man.. you would know he can fix anything that plugs in.  He's pretty funny too.  Oh.. and he's a good great dad!

If he's snuggling with #3

Or trying to get a kid to ride a bike.

Or maybe acting like a kid on the trampoline.

Who knew all this..

would come from this?

Thanks for Marrying Me!  I love you like a fat kid loves cake!