The Man & Child #3 ready to go to the Father Daughter Dance

It’s important to Spidey here that he get’s in the picture.

His sweet sister gives him a break and takes a couple of photos with him.

I think she was done being nice to Spidey here..

Ok.. that’s better but what’s with the weird smile #3?

Normally in years past we made dresses really far in advance… and had sort of matching clothes for The Man. This year we were so NOT prepared for this Father Daughter dance. We had to sort of throw something together. This years theme was “Princess”, So here’s how we did it.

I bought a $3.50 girls t-shirt, and some super cute buttons (all from Wal-mart)

Some rick-rack, tread, elastic and 10 yards of tulle. I chose light pink and hot pink (5yards each).

I had #1 child & cut the tulle into 2″ strips.

She likes to listen to music while she cuts the tulle..

Because I am going to sew the buttons on to her shirt, I have added interfacing to the back of the shirt to give it some stability. Now is the time I like to sew my elastic together with the sewing machine. I know some people that use ribbon or use skinny elastic and tie it in a knot.
** just a little note I did this with less than 24 hours before the dance.. so forget how sloppy my interfacing is please 🙂

This is the process of tying the tulle onto the elastic.

Remember the Rick-Rack? I tied this on to the skirt.. and then hot glued buttons on the end of the rick-rack.

Since we had a princess theme working.. she needed a tiara.. so I made a hair bob out of tulle, rick rack, buttons and an elastic hair band. It’s cute and matches!
**watch in the next couple of days we will be posting photos of the matching American Girl Doll outfit we made too!
Here’s some photos of years past Father Daughter Dances..
2006 Father Daughter Dance

2007 Father Daughter Dance


2008 Father Daughter Dance

Different Brother.. trying to get in the picture..