Today I spent the majority of my day (yesterday) hanging out with these things..
Oh.. and theses..
But most of all these. Thin Mints. I love the Thin Mints.
Need some Girl Scout Cookies? We've got them.. What's your favorite cookie?
Today was Girl Scout cookie delivery day… You know you want to see it 😉
Here's an overview of the cookies all sorted out by troop.
Proof I have no problem with child labor…
#2 and #3 counting boxes…
The smell of Thin Mints in the morning makes her feel all glamorous.
I am really glad this day only comes once a year…
I love the “It’s so easy to stick to your diet!” Especially when the table is for one
and there is already someone occupying it! See the look on the husbands face?
That’s how The Man looks at dinner time at our house every evening 😉
1. 30 minutes on the Wii
2. Get crafts, snacks and food ready for Girl Scout Valentine Party Thanks #1!
3. Leftover cookies in the car.
4. School the monkeys
5. email Intern the verses he needs
6. POWER POINT for church eBay Fund Raiser
7. pick up Cadets at Junior High
8. Try to use my kitchen sink as little as possible (some pipe has a huge hole in it)
Tabled Items
Here's #3 with our Troops Cookie Orders.
I started out my morning at the very early hour of 9:00AM. (I may
live in the country.. but I'm not The Pioneer Woman!) Like all the
years before this one, the KS National Guard Armory was the
place to be today to see 12800 boxes of Girl Scout cookies all in
one place.
The cookie truck arrives and the cookie cases are unloaded one at
a time… yes.. one at a time…all 12,800 boxes.
They stack them by kind.. in their own section. These are
peanut butter patties.
See that KS National Guardsman? He is watching this unloading..
and like us, is thinking it's taking a long time.
So he brought out the big guns..
Yea! A Fork Lift..
It made stacking those boxes go so much quicker!
Once the truck was unloaded and all the boxes are in their appropriate
stacks. We separate them out from the large stacks into the 26 Troops
that represent our county.
Here's our Troop's Cookies.. Once the cookies are separated into troops,
troop leaders (like me) sort them out by each girls order.
Here's part of our troop's cookies sorted and ready to pick up!
The girls and their parents came.. we packed their cars up
tight. So tight you couldn't see the girls.
What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie?