Things are Changing.. The leaves are Going… Happy Fall!

When I woke up this morning it was a little chilly. You know what that means?

FALL is coming to Kansas!

If you don’t live in a place where the season’s change.. here’s what you are missing!

Photo from my front door.. please don’t pay any attention to the

gazebo that I DID NOTHING with for the second year in a row!

I love the one red tree with all the green around it.

I wonder what kind of tree that is?

It’s beautiful..

This is down the driveway.. It almost looks pink.

This one is 90% green and just a smidge yellow…

I think this one is my favorite…

Sometimes.. Chili isn’t enough

I wanted Chili… but according to the weather here in Kansas, it’s not time for chili. I tried to get approval from The Man.. asking if he thought chili sounded good… he just gave me that "your kidding right?" look.

I need something fabulous.. I need something that would put chili (on a warm day) from the "yea right" category to "that sounds delicious"… So I went searching for the perfect chili-go-together food. Which made me think about when I was in school…(90 years ago) we always had cinnamon rolls with our chili. I thought maybe.. just maybe that would work.

I searched the internet high.. and low. I found this recipe at The Pioneer Woman These are so good..

Here’s what they look like coming out of the oven…

Yummy.. Gooey.. Apple deliciousness.. Really You should try some..

Lizards, Toads and Peach Faced Love Birds… OH MY

It was a pretty unusual Sunday. Instead of going to our church, we were visitors at Grace Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Lawrence, KS.

If you live near or around GEPC..go visit! I can’t say enough good things about them.

After church we ate lunch and headed to one of our most favorite places to hang out in Lawrence.. Pet World. They have a variety of different animals not only daily but seasonally. We especially love the GIANT tortoises that are there in the winter time.

Pile of Bearded Dragons (I think)

Here’s The Man (elbow), #4 and #3.

I am not a snake, lizard, spider, skink person.. but this snake is pretty cool.

#4 is saying “Look it’s Nemo!”

HOLY SMOKES.. this just looks like a close up of a frog.. BUT this is not

just a frog.. this thing is about 7″ across. (he looks angry doesn’t he? I want him)

#4 has become the Vanna White of Snakes…

This is some kind of monitor or something.. a little creepy to me.

It does have soulful eyes though…

I didn’t get the best photo of this hamster. It has some funky name..

but I think he has a Mark Twain or Einstein mustache.

Pet World had a mated pair of Peach Faced Love Birds… that had well.. mated!

They had 3 babies and one egg.. you can sort of see the white egg and

that peach-y red stuff next to it is a baby.

#5 loved the Peach Faced Love Birds

Fiddler Crabs.. they are so much fun to watch..

The big snail is about the size of a quarter.. The tiny one.. about the size of an eraser

Here’s a close up of a snail’s mouth. #4 really wanted a photo of the snails mouth..

#3 feeding the parakeets.

#4 petting the bunnies.

I Think He Has a Future in Politics

I’ve always wondered if any of my children would go into politics.. I believe I have my answer.

#5 ran right into the City Hall Chambers.. climbed in the chair and said;

“Robert F Kennedy.” I don’t have any idea why he said that.. but he impressed

the onlookers.

Here’s #5, #2 and his friend that I affectionately call #6 from time to time.

I believe #5 is calling the meeting to order.

Don’t all city officials wear their hand painted frog tee shirts?