Tuesday’s Here.. What are you doing?

2 of these kids are not mine.. They are at boy scout camp.. they need to come

home because #2 is going crazy without his friends… I kind of miss them too…

I like how #2 has on a Auctiva T-shirt..

Tuesday’s To Do List

1. Meeting 9:30

2. Finish VBS “God’s Word is Comforting” pillowcases

3. Cut Life Care Center Blankets

4. Fix photos

5.  Unload car from last night auctions

6. Figure out a date for the Church Rummage Sale.

7. Write up a few eBay things

8.  Schedule listings, upload photos

9. Dinner = sandwiches.. the man will be at church working on the fire alarm.

10. Finish article.. and send it in 🙂

Monday.. Monday…

Just a little warning to my students…  I’m writing this on Sunday night..

so hopefully it will better in the morning.. before school starts.

1.  School the Monkeys (FAIL.. I had sick children.. so no school today)

2. Write up eBay Stuff for myself

3.  Library Book Sale

4. Return Library books

5. Write up church auctions Guess I put that on there twice..

6. Make to-do list for Youth Group’s work day on Wednesday

7. Write up eBay auctions for church

8.  order Girl Scout patches

9.  Transfer files via FTP

10. Sequins…

11. Dinner= Salisbury Steak, mashed potatoes, peas, biscuits We didn’t have this.. we had steak soup.. because it was chilly out..

To Do or Not To Do.. that is the Question

1. School the Monkey’s

2. Figure out what I need for 2010-2011 school year..

3.  Library book sale

4.  emails to Youth Group about the meeting..

5.  Write up eBay stuff (I still have those SUNGLASSES to finish)

6.  Repair some eBay listings

7.  Work on the Church’s eBay auctions

8. Set up time to pick up eBay donations..

9. Work on e-commerce website

10. Fill out #1’s forms

11. Write article

12. Plan Youth Group

13.  Wii time..