The man and I took the kids to our County Fair tonight. I planned on watching the kids ride a few rides, and eat one of those enormous corn dogs.
It started out well… we checked out the baby cows, learned the difference between a steer and a heifer… Went in to check out the photographs, flowers and vegetables in Celebration Hall.. Everything was going great until #5 decided to go find his big sister #1. She had gone to ride a ride with #2. He would walk between the man and I.. who were just hanging out in this room that was about 40×25 looking at all the entries of the 4-H kids. When suddenly The Man and I noticed he was gone.
We searched everywhere for him, he was not inside the building. We went out on the fairgrounds, we told every person we knew that he was lost. I found one of our WONDERFUL Franklin County Sheriff’s.. and told him what happened.. gave him my name, cell phone number and the description on #5.
I continued to look for him.. I was standing in the middle of the carnival rides… and I felt like I was in a movie. You know the scene where the lights and everything are moving around you, but you are standing completely still, the room spinning? That’s what I felt like.
I thought this is the day that I will forever mark time by. My life won’t ever be the same…and then my cell phone rang. It was the Sheriff and he had #5.
I walked/ran over to the sheriff’s station and there he was standing there.

I wanted to squeeze him.. I wanted to kiss him.. and I wanted to spank his behind, But instead I asked the officer if I could take their photo together, and he said sure.
I’ve mentioned before that we quote movies all the time. One of our favorites is Austin Powers, The Spy who Shagged Me. #2 picked him up and said, "Don’t you ever do that again Mini Me." To which I said.. (in my Dr Evil voice) Can someone put a frickin’ bell on him or something?". It’s always good to laugh.. even when you feel like crying.