Porky looking cute… but needing a manicure..
I took some photos last week of my dog Porky. I thought they were kind of funny.. and I was going to write this blog about him being "Dogzilla".. smashing childrens toys..
He was laying on a the black Power Ranger.. and the way the Power Ranger was positioned it just struck me funny.. I took these photos on Monday… meaning to blog about them, but didn't find the time.
Wednesday we took Porky to the vet because he was throwing up. The vet gave him medication and thought he had a viral infection. We brought him home and he seemed OK.. a little tired but OK. Friday he bolted out the front door and hasn't come back.
He's never done this before.. It's been 5 days and we really miss our dog. Some people thought he might be looking for a girlfriend.. (it is spring you know). We are hoping and praying his wrinkled red face will show back up to our door.