What’s in A Name…

#3.5 knows how much I love the Adopt Shoppe jewelery.  She watches to see when they are going to have a sale on Instagram or Etsy… and will bid or try to nab one for me.  For mothers day she was successful!  


Look how CUTE the packaging is! HOLY SMOKES I wish I could package my items up like this!


Great branding!


This is the necklace #3.5 got me.  Do you love it?  I do!


I ordered these individual charms with each one of my children's name on them. I wore them everyday

while I was in South Dakota on the Mission Trip.  While we were there we worked/played with the Indian

children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.  I would show them my necklace and talk to them about my children.

It really was a great ice breaker to get them to talk to me.


To read my previous blog post about the Adopt Shoppe go HERE

Check out the Adopt Shoppe on Facebook.



Listening:  My children are talking about how they would spend the lottery money if we won…but you have to play to win… :/

 Loving: It's MAY and school is almost over. We will be doing reading and math will #4 and #5 all summer. It's kind of a bitter sweet because this is going to be #2's last year homeschooling.  He'll still be a senior next year… and taking mostly college classes. This is a GREAT thing.. but makes me a little sad.

 Thinking: This coming Sunday is graduation at the local high school which also means it's Graduation Sunday at our church. (Why they do it on Mother's Day.. I have no idea) Since I'm the youth leader at my church I get the honor of celebrating the Seniors at my church. We honor them by parading them in front of the church 🙂 and then having a lunch after church before graduation.. so their parents don't have to worry about cooking a meal between church and graduation.

Wanting: To take a nap.

Needing: To get my lists done for everything I need to do this coming weekend.. I need a grocery list, miscellaneous list of stuff to purchase or bring to church.

Stalking: The Adopt Shoppe on Facebook.  I love love love her stuff!

Something I love… The Adopt Shoppe Jewelry

I fell in love with the Adopt Shoppe by accident.  A good friend of mine posted about a family that was adopting a sweet little boy in Haiti, and they were having an auction for him.  Check it out HERE  

This auction contained items from the Adopt Shoppe.  I'm happy to say that I won a few of them 🙂  After seeing the Adopt Shoppe stuff there I checked out their items on Etsy and starting to follow them on Twitter and Instagram!   Holy Camoly I love their stuff.


I really wanted Break my hear with what breaks yours… heart necklace.


On Monday she had a 46 item auction on Instagram.  I didn't win anything 🙁


It wasn't because I didn't try… It was hard to be the first one!




I love this one!


How cute is this?  I need one of these will all seven of my children on it!


The Adopt Shoppe on Facebook