How Many Pictures Does It Take To Get THE RIGHT ONE?

For my birthday we go to the Nelson Atkins Art Gallery every year.  I love to see how each kid discovers something new they love about the Nelson.  Along the way I try to take a few pictures to remind us of our time.  I realized there seems to be an issue getting a good group photo.

Have you ever wondered how many pictures a parent has to take to get the right one?


First picture.  #6 thinks he can be cute and lay to the side.  #1 is fixing her hair, #2 is smiling weird, #3.5 is telling #4 and #5 to do something.


Second Picture: #5 isn’t smiling his hair is messed up and #4 and #6 are smiling strangely.


Third Picture: Geez!  It seems the youngest 3 still can’t get it together.


Fourth Picture:  Well.. now the front row is starting to cave, and #6 is back to thinking is special.


Fifth Picture: #5 and #6 are messing this one up


Sixth Picture:  I guess 6 out of 7 isn’t bad.


Seventh Picture: As #6 would say “perfect!”

I Know What You Did This Summer…

A little re-cap of my Summer that went by way to fast…

May 2012

I helped my mother and father in law set up their estate sale.. This was so much fun!

Love these crock bowls!

I rescued a kitten that had been either thrown from a car or had been run over. 

This is Bessie.  She's doing great!

We went to a birthday party and saw this kid dance..

#3 and #6 dancing

We learned that no matter how easy it is to get IN the recycling bin..

It's always harder to get out..

June 2012

I went on a Mission Trip to Ogala, South Dakota…

with these people….

When I came back from the trip.. I learned that we hung around someone that had Whooping Cough.. which means..

We all had to get shots.

My "wedding ring" turned 4 years old…

Who knew plastic would last this long?

July 2012

I took a bunch of kids out for my birthday…

Here's my rear view look of them. (you can't see #6 he's in a baby seat behind me and #1 is pumping gas)

Cute kids.

The Man, my mom and my siblings surprised me at one of my favorite places to eat..

My family.. that's a lot of kids 🙂

I went to quite a few estate sales, garage sales and rummage sales.  The coolest thing I found?

This wedding invitation from 1974.. that belonged to a couple I go to church with!

I did some cleaning..

but the place is still a mess..

My baby brother got married…

Pretty dang cute aren't they?


August 2012

I watched a lot of the Olympics.

We bought a "Drivers Ed" car

Cleaning out the Drivers Ed vehicle..

We took a little trip to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art..