First Auction of the Year….

I went to my first auction of the year today. I haven’t been to an auction is quite awhile.  It was a nice day, super cloudy and about 72 degrees.  I headed up the the new “Eastern Kansas Auction”.  I say new.. because it used to be not far from my house, and they stopped having auctions for a while.. now they’ve moved to a new location up on the hill in Ottawa.

No Truck Stop up here.. just this cool old sign.

These beautiful flowers were sitting in the office at the new auction barn. Don’t you love the silver basket vase?

What would an auction be without old men talking?

I didn’t know it when I took the photo.. (because I was pretty sure I was leaving before I bought anything) but see that green circle thing?  It’s a Fiesta cup holder.. it’s mine 🙂 now.

How cute is this little girl with her dog?

How about some tools, a boat or a lawn mower?

My loot

Some super cute pink Christmas Ornaments (for me)

I bought two stained glass windows that came from a George Washburn (designed) House in Ottawa, some Mary cherry dishes.

Cute little painted box (for me) the Fiesta cup holder and a blue and white rug that was in with some stuff.

When  I come home my kids run out to see what I got.. and to see if they just might have snagged something too. Here’s child #5 looking over the backseat at my junk.  This is the “do you have anything for me mom” face?

WHAT? You didn’t get me anything? He’s an animated little booger isn’t he?

You did? Where is it?

I don’t see it.

I see it!

It’s Parent’s Day at Dance


Parent's Day at Dance…


Child #3 is my kid.. (the only one with brown eyes) and is really my #3 This is her Tap Costume

The sound of that makes me groan. It's not because I don't like seeing my kids in their dance costumes or watching them shake their booties.. It's more because I get to sit in a crowd of parents where I'm 8-10 years older than most of the parents.. that are there.  This freaks me out.  Now you should know MOST of the people that kid #3 is in class with are my age.. some are younger. But in #4's class that is a completely different story.  I'm like a grandma in that class!


So the only boy in this picture is my #4.  He's 6, and LOVES his dance class.  He doesn't care about the girls.. he just likes to dance

I'm really not old enough to be a Grandma.  But as I sat there in that dance room it hit me.. I'm old. I need to exercise.. I need to do something so I don't look so dang old.  Besides radical surgery do you have any suggestions?

So enough about me.. let's talk about those kids..

#4 he's cute huh?  I should tell you he does not have on his entire costume.  Only part of it came in.  He is missing his pink and white polka dot tie, and black pants.  He'll look pretty sharp huh?  He has two classes, ballet and tap.  He's always gone with me when I took #3 to her dance classes, and he wanted to do it.  So I finally enrolled him.  I thought he would give up after a couple of weeks, but he really loves going.


Here's Miss #3. in her ballet outfit..

Here's #3 and #5.. She's in her Jazz outfit and "pose".. #5 Refused to be in dance.. he quit after his 2nd week.