Currently 9-16-2013 Edition


Listening:   The ceiling fan and fridge hum… Which is quite amazing since normally I am sitting in chaos and not silence.

Loving: eBay gave me (and I'm sure other people too) 1,000,000 free auction listings (that I have to use by 9/25/2013) Think I can use all million? 

Thinking: Why do Christian's shoot their wounded?

Wanting: Potato Soup and a really really really good grilled cheese.

Needing:  More Time, and for a professional organizer to come to my home.

Stalking: Pretty Little Liars.  I've been watching the seasons from the beginning on Netflix… and I'm slightly obsessed.

Truth Tuesdays… or Questions I’ve Been Asked:


I've been asked some strange eBay and non-eBay questions… Here's a few of them:

  1. Are those ALL your children, and do they have the same father?   My answer?  Yes, and yes.. but different mothers.  Then I walk away quickly… because WHO ASKS that kind of question… Do they have the same father?  Are they saying I have questionable morals? Or maybe that there's no way one man could have sex with me 7 times?  
  2. What's the best thing you've ever sold on eBay?  Hmm.. I wonder if that means the best (most money) or the best (as in it made me happy)… I'm going to go with a combo of the two. I purchased a Mario Lemieux game day hockey stick at an auction for $1.00 BUT I had no idea that it was anything more than a hockey stick because it was wrapped in black plastic.  When I unwrapped it I was pleasantly surprised.  I sold it for $488.00
  3. What's the one thing you'd change about yourself? I'm 85% happy with myself. But if I could change something I would say either my weight or that I would love fruits and vegetables, and to run.. I want to be happy about running.
  4. Do you leave feedback for every transaction?  No, if I don't like you for some reason, I will not leave you feedback… because according to eBay rules, if you can't say something nice (positive) then don't say anything at all.
  5. Why do you post what you do daily on your blog?  I have a lot of people ask me "how do you do everything you do?"  It's a pretty simple answer.. I write a  list everyday.
  6. Is there one country that you wish you didn't have to ship too?  Yep.. Canada. I seem to have the most problems with Canadian buyers. I'm not sure why.. one day I'll tell you the "pink poodle" story, and you'll know.
  7. Mom, which one do you love more? I love you all equally. (that's what I tell them 😉 )
  8. Have you ever bit your toenails?  No, but I use to give my sister a $1.00 for putting her big toe up her nose.
  9. Do you have any regrets? HMMM… I usually regret staying up too late.. but my biggest regret is not meeting and marrying the Man sooner.. we would have had 15 kids by now!  OH.. and I regret not loving to exercise.
  10. Do you sell for other people?  No, not really. I'm not very good at it, and when I do, I'm always worried I will let the person down.

How Old is Too Old for a Bottle..

Confession… I let my 2 year old have a bottle when he takes a nap and goes to bed at night.


Is it bad when he brings the milk and the bottle to us to make it for him?


Milk is heavy.

In my defense.. he did this on his own. We didn't tell him to bring the milk and the bottle to us. I know he's too old.. but dang it I want him to still be a baby!


Listening:  To Criminal Minds… it's an Ion TV marathon.

 Loving: My husband.  That sounds like a DUH statement… but today I wish he was home and not working…

 Thinking: About the meeting I am going to on Thursday. #3.5's biological mother has requested a meeting.  I'm not sure what to say except it's a little to late to do the "right thing" now.

Wanting: To get my e-commerce store updated to reflect my new inventory.

Needing: To get my nails done… and my toes painted… and maybe a hair cut.  In general this mom needs an overhaul.

Stalking: Rascal Flatts on Twitter  They have the hashtag #ChangedForTheBetter.. and a song Changed.  This morning they tweeted: "Tweet us how you've been & you could win a free CHANGED CD!" I love reading how everyone has changed and what changed them.  (oh.. and they RE-Tweeted ME!)