It’s a To-Do List.. on FAT Tuesday!

I’ve been thinking a lot about my friend Tammy.  She loves vintage Halloween stuff.

Well, I think she loves ALL Halloween things.  I’ve even blogged about her parties.

Today’s photo is in honor of Tammy.. 🙂

Here’s what I need to do for Tuesday February 16, 2010

  • 30 minutes on the Wii Fit
  • School the monkeys
  • Figure out what I’m giving up for Lent
  • write newspaper article
  • Plan Youth Group
  • Dinner: Pancakes.. (I think).. because you know it’s FAT TUESDAY..
  • Plan GS Camp Out.. make lists
  • Take pictures of charity eBay Auctions
  • Make About Me page for Charity Auctions
  • Make template for Charity auction
  • Check up on the Chore Charts
  • Figure out BLOGHER.. this site vex’s me..
  • Take #4 to dance
  • blog.. blog.. blog

Tabled Items

  1. Write up 10 eBay things
  2. work on the Cooking Blog
  3. stretch and block my friend’s needlepoint
  4. finish #1’s Coat (make button holes)
  5. make lining for the felted purse #1 gave me

More Photos from My Phone…

I found the file that holds all of my OLD photos from my camera.. Pretty interesting stuff. NOT!

#3 at her dance recital photo shoot in 2007.

How cute! #3 and her friend at dance.

Nancy Boyda (who was our state representative back in 2007) is the woman in this photo. She

came to the Potters Wheel Coffee shop to answer questions and talk to whoever wanted

to listen. I talked to her about the new (to 2007) postal rate hike

I took #1 to get new glasses.. She couldn't decide which glasses she wanted so I had #2-#5

wear the one's she liked.

Here's #5 looking dashing.

Yes.. that's my son #5. I'm a horrible mother. I gave him a "baby hawk" (instead of a mo hawk).

I know he'll need therapy for it later. We have a special fund set up just for therapy.

Here's #2 and Connie. I don't know what to say about his hair… All I know

is he loved his hair to be that way.

Here's #5 with his first ice cream cone. During this phase of his life (and mine) I thought by NOT

cutting his hair he would stay a baby. It didn't work.

It’s Parent’s Day at Dance


Parent's Day at Dance…


Child #3 is my kid.. (the only one with brown eyes) and is really my #3 This is her Tap Costume

The sound of that makes me groan. It's not because I don't like seeing my kids in their dance costumes or watching them shake their booties.. It's more because I get to sit in a crowd of parents where I'm 8-10 years older than most of the parents.. that are there.  This freaks me out.  Now you should know MOST of the people that kid #3 is in class with are my age.. some are younger. But in #4's class that is a completely different story.  I'm like a grandma in that class!


So the only boy in this picture is my #4.  He's 6, and LOVES his dance class.  He doesn't care about the girls.. he just likes to dance

I'm really not old enough to be a Grandma.  But as I sat there in that dance room it hit me.. I'm old. I need to exercise.. I need to do something so I don't look so dang old.  Besides radical surgery do you have any suggestions?

So enough about me.. let's talk about those kids..

#4 he's cute huh?  I should tell you he does not have on his entire costume.  Only part of it came in.  He is missing his pink and white polka dot tie, and black pants.  He'll look pretty sharp huh?  He has two classes, ballet and tap.  He's always gone with me when I took #3 to her dance classes, and he wanted to do it.  So I finally enrolled him.  I thought he would give up after a couple of weeks, but he really loves going.


Here's Miss #3. in her ballet outfit..

Here's #3 and #5.. She's in her Jazz outfit and "pose".. #5 Refused to be in dance.. he quit after his 2nd week.