Camping in a Ice Storm

This last weekend I took my Girl Scout troop (Brownies, Juniors and Cadets) to Camp Timberlake in Stillwell Kansas.  I've taken the girls camping at least once every year since I became a Girl Scout Leader in 2004.  You may or may not know that I am NOT a camper.  I even think that some of the parents refer to my troop as "Troop Beverly Hills" (after the movie of the same name).  In my defense, I do have a huge troop, over 30 girls and how can you cook for 30 girls outside all at one time? Camp Timberlake was once the vacation home of Kansas City native H.R. Block (you know the tax guy?)  We pulled up to the door and said.. hmm.. "Troop Beverly Hills fits us!"

Ok.. this isn't the camp.. but nice spread huh?  This house is just a few blocks away

from the camp.

When you enter camp there is the cute.. but tiny bridge.. over a

peaceful pond and a steep hill that takes you to the lodge.  We picked

Timberlake because of the size of it's kitchen.  Our goal this weekend

was to have fun and work on our cooking badges.

The kitchen at Timberlake is awesome!

There are several sinks, a stove/oven, 2 refrigerators and 1 freezer.

Perfect for working on cooking badges.. but we didn't just cook…


We danced…

Played games

Painted souvenir mugs.

Played charades


Worked on our weaving projects..


Sometimes we even slept…

The weekend went great until it was time to go home…  Saturday night some kind of weather front was moving in.. and we received rain and snow.  Which turned into slush and ice.

Sunday when parents were coming to get their girl scouts they also encountered

that huge hill.  All of them made it up, but one slipped and became stuck.

After 5 hours and 2 tow trucks they were able to get the van un-stuck

and we could leave camp.  For awhile there I thought we'd be there an extra night.

Which would have been ok.. because I am an expert camper 😉




Ok.. Let’s Do This.. To Do List for Thursday!

This weekend 30 or so of my favorite Girl Scouts are going camping with me.  My boyfriend, Gary Lezak has predicted snow for Friday and Sunday night.  Being the expert camper I am.. See Here I will be going rain, sleet or snow.  (really I am a wanna be socialite) I thought some of you might think it was interesting to see our menu for camping.

Here’s our Menu: (You could probably guess by that we are camping in a lodge)

Friday Dinner: Mexican Buffet (Tacos, burritos, nachos, taco salad) mexican rice, refried beans, kool-aid and brownies for dessert.

Saturday Breakfast: Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit salad and Orange Juice

Lunch: Chicken Rice Soup, lunch meat sandwiches, veggies and dip, chips, kool-aid and Smores

Dinner: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, gravy, corn, salad, rolls, kool-aid and smores

Sunday Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy, Bacon, Fruit Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Orange Juice

Lunch: Chicken Noodle Casserole, veggies and dip, garlic bread, kool-aid and cookies for dessert.

Here’s what I need to do for Wednesday February 17, 2010

  • No School today…
  • Dinner: Spiral sliced ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Peas and Corn in gravy, rolls
  • Grocery Shopping for the Girl Scouts (see above menu)
  • Fix photos of  charity eBay Auctions
  • Make About Me page for Charity Auctions
  • Make template for Charity auction
  • Check up on the Chore Charts
  • Figure out BLOGHER.. this site vex’s me..
  • blog.. blog.. blog

Tabled Items

  1. Write up 10 eBay things
  2. work on the Cooking Blog
  3. stretch and block my friend’s needlepoint
  4. finish #1’s Coat (make button holes)
  5. make lining for the felted purse #1 gave me

TO DO Lists.. and What’s the Deal with Wednesdays?

Here’s what I need to do for Wednesday February 17, 2010

  • 30 minutes on the Wii Fit.. (The Man gave me the new Wii Fit Plus game  it makes me happy)
  • School the monkeys
  • Figure out what I’m giving up for Lent ** I just can’t figure out what to give up.. What are you giving up?
  • Correct and send in article
  • Finish writing out Lent Youth Group Plans (and put it on the blog)
  • I’m bringing rolls to Pot Luck..
  • Plan GS Camp Out.. make lists
  • Take pictures of charity eBay Auctions ** I’m really doing this tomorrow 🙂 **
  • Make About Me page for Charity Auctions
  • Make template for Charity auction
  • Check up on the Chore Charts
  • Figure out BLOGHER.. this site vex’s me..
  • blog.. blog.. blog

Tabled Items

  1. Write up 10 eBay things
  2. work on the Cooking Blog
  3. stretch and block my friend’s needlepoint
  4. finish #1’s Coat (make button holes)
  5. make lining for the felted purse #1 gave me

Turtle Riding..

Sometimes… like now.. this is how I feel about my lists….

Instead of really moving, I feel like I’m on the back of a turtle.

Here’s what I need to do for Monday February 15, 2010

  • 30 minutes on the Wii
  • School the monkeys
  • Get birth certificates for the above mentioned monkeys….
  • write newspaper article
  • Plan Youth Group
  • Dinner: Chicken Noodle Casserole
  • Plan GS Camp Out.. and go shopping for FOOD and crafts
  • Take pictures of charity eBay Auctions
  • Make About Me page for Charity Auctions
  • Make template for Charity auction

Tabled Items

  1. Write up 10 eBay things
  2. work on the Cooking Blog
  3. stretch and block my friend’s needlepoint
  4. finish #1’s Coat (make button holes)
  5. make lining for the felted purse #1 gave me