I know it’s June.. But The Bugs are taking over my House

I came home the other night to this…

I’ve never seen this many june bugs. When I think of june bugs.. I thnk of my mother, and her mother.

When I was a kid, my grandmother used to tell this story of a girl she went to school with named

Ima June Bug… BUT my favorite story was the one she told about my mother and the june bug.

When my mother was a little girl, she had to sleep on the floor because company was there or something…

When she woke up the next morning she screamed in pain every time she moved her head.

My grandmother couldn’t figure out what was wrong, she shined a flashlight in my mother’s ear and

one of these crawled out. My mother and I haven’t spoke in 4 years, but I remember that

story from my childhood about my mother as a child and it makes me smile. I feel like I some how

got a small glimpse into who she was as a child. Funny how little things like a june bug could make

you miss someone.

What is Wrong With Humans These Days.. or eBay Buyers Can Be a Pain in the Patootie..


                                                                                                This is how I feel..

I’ve been putting off my blogging today, because I’ve just had the urge to be sarcastic and rude most of the day.  Why you ask?  If you sell on eBay you know why..  come on.. take a guess.. it starts with a B and ends in R.  IT’s a BUYER.. Now if you are a Buyer, please don’t think this is about you, unless of course it is, then well, change your ways!

So the day started out pretty good.. and then I received the email that puts a fear into most seller’s hearts…

Subject: New Significantly Not as Described Dispute: Case #PP-000-00-000


Dear Dumb Seller, (that’s me)


This BUYER has opened a dispute for the payment made on Mar 21, 2009

indicating that the item they received did not match the original



THIS BUYER has requested a $12.99 USD refund.

Now.. I know I should not be upset over $12.99.. and really I am not.  It’s what this buyer who has 3548 feedback ) said in the dispute. ** a little side note.. the "buyer" was also a Seller.. of the SAME item she bought from me**

She told PayPal this item was "not as described" and that she has given me ample time to resolve the problem.  HA.. She hasn’t even EMAILED me to tell me there was a problem!  Had she emailed.. we wouldn’t be having this blog.  It’s the fact she lied about contacting me (to make me look like a schmoe with PayPal), and kept the item almost 2 weeks.

I know that I won’t win in this situation AT ALL… No matter what happens, I will lose this dispute. I don’t want a buyer to be unhappy.  I want them to like their product.  I just don’t like being lied about.. by someone that knows better.  I will gracously take the item back and block the snarky hag from my auctions