#1 Turns 24.. and She Saved a Turtle

I took child #1 out for her birthday.  Our first stop Chick-fil-a for a chicken biscuit and then to Starbucks for an iced coffee with “THIS MUCH MILK”.  (hold your hand up and use your index and thumb to show about 2″).  These things make #1 really happy.

We shopped for a while, tried on lots of clothes… So much so that even I was tired of seeing “if those pants fit”.

Then we headed to Pei Wei.  Have you ever eaten at Pei Wei? It’s awesome and I’ll be reveiwing it soon.. at www.asktheebayqueen.com/ebay_queen_reviews

#1 and her most Fabulous Aunt

After Lunch we shopped some more, and then headed home.  We were almost to the low water bridge… when we spotted a turtle in the middle of the road.

I warned her that it would potty on her if she picked it up.. and true to turtle form.. it did.. but I didn’t get a photo of that. 🙁

He started to peek out.. but never opened up..

#1 puts the turtle safely on the other side of the road.