Monday’s To Do List

This kid has issues with VBS.. for some reason he refuses

to go with the flow.. so he hangs out with his mother in

the craft room.. instead of doing all the fun VBS stuff.

Here our friend Kie Kie is trying to get him to take his

picture.. but he refuses… I wish he’d stop acting like

his father… 😉

1. Appointment 10:00 am

2. Write up eBay stuff

3. Cut out butterfly shapes make them into charms.. and bake them 🙂

4. Dinner= hanging out with my friends at VBS.. and eating Taco Salad

5.  Crafts at VBS

6. Write article

7. pick up VBS photos from Walgreens

8. upload VBS photos to church website..

Monday’s To Do’s

Monday’s To Do List

1. Finish VBS “God’s Word is Comforting” pillowcases

2. Cut Life Care Center Blankets

3. Fix photos

4. Teach #1 and #2 how to beat a castle in Super Mario Wii.

5.  Clean

6. Figure out a date for the Church Rummage Sale.

7. Write up a few eBay things

8.  Auction at 6:00 HERE

9. Dinner = leftovers

The Secret Life of Boys

I never thought I would be the mother of “A” boy.. let alone 3 boys. Vacation Bible School was last week. We stayed late to clean up, and I saw some pretty weird things. You should know the photos are not clear… but when you are in unfamiliar territory, and checking out the secret life of boys you need to be adaptable.

Is this some strange tribal dress?

They move so fast.. it’s hard get a good photo of them.

I think I’ve been seen!

Are they wrestling? Is the one in jeans coming after me?

Oh .. the one in the jeans has over powered him..

Wait what’s this.. has a girl infiltrated the area?

They are done with the meeting and taking off their tribal gear.

Frogs Here and There..

This summer frogs have seemed to take over my life. I’ve had frogs every night on my windows and French doors of my house and then I’ve had these…

Here’s The Man cutting out my frog.

I’m really proud of him.. because he’s not always comfortable working with wood..

(oh.. and nice socks.. you know how I love a man with white socks on)

Here’s one of them cut out..

I painted him green.. and painted the white’s of his eyes.

I guess this would be as good of a time as any to tell you WHY I was making these 4 foot tall frogs.

Our church’s Vacation Bible School’s theme this year was F.R.O.G.G.I.E.

Which stands for Fully Rely on God’s Grace in Everything.

His legs and arms freaked me out a bit.. I wasn’t sure what to do with him..

When I drew him on the wood I was pretty sure of what I was going to do..

but at this point I was not so sure.

He’s pretty cute huh?

Look he has a twin!