It Doesn’t Take Much To Make Me Happy…

For the last 20+ days or so I've been exercising on the Wii. I know some people think this is funny.. because how much of a work out can you get doing this..

If you are not familiar with Wii Fit Plus.. This is me (or my Mii) riding my bike. I have accumulated enough points riding my bike that I now do a "free ride". This is where I ride around Wii Fit Island for 30 or more minutes. If you do it right.. it's a workout.

After doing this for 20 days I really enjoy it, but sometimes I miss watching something on TV.

My sweet #2 figured out how I can ride my bike and listen to the TV.. That #2.. he knows how to make his mother happy.

Tuesdays To DO List

strickers auction, art deco lamp, naked ladies

I went to the auction last night.. I really wanted this lamp..  I didn’t

get it.. it was WAY out of my price range at 290.00!

1. Wii Fit

2. List eBay Stuff

3.  Do something with #2′s hair.

4. Write and Send in article.

5. Do something with my hair..

6. AGAIN! Download all the stuff that I need to make my computer RIGHT again.

7. Take #1 to the Dr.

8. Schedule listings.

9. Call Napster.

10.  Make some insurance phone calls.

11. Dinner= meatloaf, mashed potatoes,  corn, gravy

Monday’s To Do List…

Monday’s To Do List

1. List eBay Stuff

2. Library Sale

3. Wii Fit

4.  Do something with #2’s hair.

5. Do something with my hair..

6. Figure out if I’m going to THIS auction tonight.

7. Download all the stuff that I need to make my computer RIGHT again.

8. Schedule listings.

9. Call Napster.

10.  Make some insurance phone calls.

11.  Bank

12. Dinner= meatloaf, mashed potatoes,  corn, gravy OR if I’m at the auction… Left overs..

Monday’s a Good Day to Get a Few Things Done..

Monday is book sale day…

Monday’s To Do…

1. Figure out what movie we are watching for Theater in the Parking Lot. (Wednesday Night Youth Group)

2. Write up a few eBay things.

3. Work on presentation.

4.  Clean the Abode.. :/

5.  Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

6. VBS Crafts

7.  Eclipse Tickets..

8. wii Fit

9.  Library book sale