Extreme Home Make Over Pep Rally…

I thought I had blogged about this weeks ago.. but I didn't.  Extreme Makeover Home Edition had a Pep Rally for the Kansas build.  Here are the pictures.

Hey.. you can still do this http://www.joinextreme.com-kansas

#2 headed up to the Pep Rally!  That's the Marching Cobras in front of him…

What's a Pep Rally with out the best Basketball team?

The University of Kansas?

Um.. Hello Big Jay and Little Jay! I'm pretty sure I could be Little Jay if given the chance 🙂


Cute Nerd.. Nerdin' it up..

The Sponser Banner… Check it out #2's logo is on there!

#3 and her friends…

Here's #2 logo!

Here it is again… up on the BIG Screen.

Um… I want this purse.. Love the POPPIES! Ok back to #2..

He's pretty cute huh?  Not to shabby #2… Not to shabby…