Gary Lezak meet Lucy VanPelt…on a Snow Day

My boyfriend Gary Lezak told me there would be snow… but I didn't believe him.  I'm ready for spring.  I'm ready for these…


Oh.. and these…

These were all taken from  my garden last summer. I miss summer.

Ok.. back to reality.. This is what I woke up to this AM..

It's like a snow globe…

It's like a winter wonderland…

This snow is fluffy and I think we have about 3" so far.

I love the way the snow is sitting perfectly on this vine.

Here's a close up of the woods next to our house.

The photo looks blurry because of the snow.  You know that

kind of snow that looks like BIG Charlie Brown snow flakes?

Charlie Brown always had the big snow.

Here's something I'm sure you always wanted to know..

Of all the fictional characters.. #1 thinks I'm Lucy VanPelt.

I wonder why that is?  I give good advice?  I tell it like it is?

I'm in love with a pianist? or I pull footballs out from under people?

My favorite.. a Snow Angel Pig…

Peace, Quiet and Towing Cars.. Chevrolet Suburban Style..

This is what the TOP of my driveway looked like this morning.

This is what the bottom of my driveway looked like last night.

Gary Lezak (my favorite weather guy) said it would snow.. and we wouldn’t get “much accumulation”.. as it turns out we received about 2 more inches.  Since blogging yesterday about my UPS Driver.. The Man and P*trick  (pronounces P  Trick) also became stuck and could not make it up the driveway.  This morning #2 got up and used the Kabota (tractor) to get them out. Being the kind of girl I am.. I’m not really.. a morning person.  I wasn’t up.  I did get up pretty quickly when #2 came in the house to tell me that “#1 was stuck in the driveway.. in the Suburban.

I flew out  of the house without my camera.. (dummy) and pulled the Suburban out with my bare hands (just kidding).. I got in.. rocked it a little and drove the sucker out.  #1 informed me her father had slid into a ditch down the road.  We loaded up the car and went down to pull him out… (This is where I realized I forgot my camera.. and left #4 (my 6 year old) in charge of a sleeping #3 and #5)  I sent #1 back to the house where she woke up #3 (to take care of her younger siblings) and brought my camera down to me.

Here we have The Man’s car firmly lodged in the ditch.

Here is my Suburban.. I’m pointing out the Chevrolet emblem in

hopes GM will pay me a little advertising dollars or buy gift me a new

2010 Yukon Denali (white) with all the bells and whistles.. including

those little TV’s in the headrests. The man says I don’t need the TV’s..

But have you ever been to Chuck E Cheese on a Friday night?  That’s what it’s

like to ride in a car with my children.

Before we could get his car pulled out, our new neighbor down the road

makes an appearance (guy with the pink arrow over his head).  He’ll

be moving in to the house in January.  His truck doesn’t have 4-wheel drive..

I secretly wish him luck getting around on our roads..  Good news.. he

has kids my boys ages.. bad news.. he has kids my boys ages..

We pulled The Man’s car out of the ditch.. and he went on his way to work.

Who doesn’t love a picture of a good looking dog…

Have I ever introduced you to my dog?  If not..

This is Porky.. as in “the Pig”.  He loves long walks in the

snow, table scraps, cat food and freaking out of the

mail lady. (Bad Dog)

How sweet.  #1 and her dog..

Taken from my front door.. It looks so peaceful..until

you come inside.

UPS Delivers.. Sometimes we deliver to them..

It snowed here in Kansas over Christmas eve.  For the first time (that I knew of) we had blizzard warnings.

This is what use to be my 2 lane road that has become 1 lane road..

because of snow drifts.

Neither one of these photos really show how much snow we received,

OR how bad the road is.. It was deep!

This is the entrance to my driveway.. that’s all ice.

This is a view from my driveway looking up the road.

Here’s a view of my driveway from the road.  It’s pretty steep and

a long way up.  Do you see the ice?

This is a UPS Truck sitting at the end of my driveway.

When it’s nasty out.. we meet our driver at the end of our driveway

and give him our boxes.

Just to once again embarrass myself…

See the little smudge there..( it’s in all the photos)… Once again

proving to The Man I need to “keep my fingers off the lens!”

It’s COLD outside.. and YOU need a Quilt!

I love quilts.   My love for them started when I was little.  My grandmother had a couple quilts here and there.  I wish I would have asked her about them.  About a year into selling stuff on eBay I wanted to sell just quilts.  We are suppose to get 6″ to 8″ of snow tomorrow.  It’s a great time to look at quilts!

1. Historical Antique Circus Quilt See it HERE.  I love this quilts colors!  It has quite the history too!  This quilt is made from velvet scraps from Barnum and Baily’s Circus costumes. The pattern is a Lone Star.

2. 1850’s Princess Feather Quilt See it HERE.  This quilt is an applique.  The red and green “feathers” are appliqued or sewn onto the white fabric.

3. 1880’s Irish Chain Quilt.  See it HERE. The colors of this quilt would look really good in my home.

4. Antique Star Quilt 1890’s. See it HERE.  Holy Smokes.. this quilt is pretty fabulous.. I love the dark green background and the calico fabric  that was used.

5. 1930’s Marie Webster Tulip Quilt. See it HERE. #1 would love this quilt.  The pastel colors.. the applique is fabulous!  The quilting is awesome!