- Rummage Sale 501 South Poplar Ottawa, KS 12-5
- Outdoor Movie Night with the Youth Group
Tag Archives: working
Our church is a new.. only a couple of years old. We formed and didn’t have a building. We bought an old school building, and have been renovating it. This will be our fellowship hall… but for the next couple of days.. it will be home to The Rummage Sale. If you live in the Ottawa, Kansas area.. stop by and see us Friday 12:00 to 5:00 or Saturday 9-2. 501 South Popular.
Setting up the sale..
We had so MANY CLOTHES.. it was hard to find places to hang
them up!
This room is almost done.
Books, suitcases, headboards..
Anyone need a TV or Computer?
How about a roll top desk..
Exercise Equipment? Maybe Presbyterians don’t exercise?
More clothes…
Tuesday’s To Do’s
So cute.. Melissa Shirley Needlepoint called: “Piggyback”
Tuesday’s To Do List:
1. fix photos
2. Write and send in article
3. blog..
4. Wii Fit
5. Send earrings in to be fixed
6. Dinner= left overs.. The Man will be working on the Fire Alarm at church
7. Find colored sand.. and lots of it for VBS
8. Work on eBay stuff
Friday… Friday… Friday… To Do List
It rained something FIERCE yesterday.. Here’s the creek (that usually
is only a babbling brook.. about 1″ to 2″ deep) that runs through the
front of our property.
To-Do List..
1. School the Monkey’s (today’s a light day)
2. Figure out what I need for 2010-2011 school year..
3. Write up eBay stuff (I still have those SUNGLASSES to finish) **This is what I will really be working on all day**
4. Start #3 solo costume
5. Work on the Church’s eBay auctions
6. Set up time to pick up eBay donations..
7. Work on e-commerce website
8. Fill out #1’s forms
9. Work on PowerPoint for Saturday’s eBay Class
10. Wii time..
11. Dinner= breakfast for dinner… I think…