Whine.. Whine… All that Girl does is Whine..


Can I whine? I really want to… Dang it.. it’s my blog.. I’m going to whine.

Tuesday was an unusual day.. I took the Shipping Manager for a tune-up (you know the dr). Then we drove around O-Town preparing it for August 2nd-7th of 2009.  (I’ll share that little nugget later) I came home thinking I was going to work on eBay stuff…

I didn’t…

I worked on my new Ask the eBay Queen Website. It’s not done.. It’s no where near being done. I can’t get it to do what I wanted it to do…

I want it to be cute, informative, and funny.  I want it to have 5 areas for people to go to.. so they don’t have to see ALL of the junk that spills out of my head. (unless they really want to)  Is this possible?  I hope so.. 

I worked on eBay stuff today.  I even modeled some shoes.. No.. they are not mine.. but I need a pair since they add 6" to my height!

                                                                                               Dang.. that girl needs a ped-egg

But really all I can think about is that website.  I need some serious help.. but I can’t find any… that doesn’t want $2500.00.  So I will keep trudging along until it is done.  I promise I won’t work on it until Friday.. tomorrow  I will work on eBay and then head to  Girl Scouts.  Because after all tomorrow is another day.

I feel like Scarlett O’Hara…

FINALLY I’m going to work on eBay stuff oh and it’s SNOWING…

So I’ve run all kinds of errands today.. and written my Confirmation Class Worksheets for the weekend.  FINALLY.. I’m ready to write up a few eBay  things.

                                                                            Look… it’s starting to snow!

So after waiting.. and waiting.. it’s starting to snow.  Gary Lezak said it would start at 11:00 AM.. it’s started about 3:00…

                                        Here’s another picture.. You might notice.. those white spots those are flakes.

This photo was taken off my front porch.  You can’t see the snow yet.. but can you see the ice in the trees?  I sure hope the electricity stays on.  Which reminds me of the Ice Storm of 2002… that was not fun.  We were without power for 7 days.  The kids and I spent a lot of time at the library during that seven days.