Our church is a new.. only a couple of years old.  We formed and didn’t have a building.  We bought an old school building, and have been renovating it.  This will be our fellowship hall… but for the next couple of days.. it will be home to The Rummage Sale.  If you live in the Ottawa, Kansas area.. stop by and see us Friday 12:00 to 5:00 or Saturday 9-2.  501 South Popular.

Setting up the sale..

rummage sale, Grace Community Fellowship, ottawa kansas

We had so MANY CLOTHES.. it was hard to find places to hang

them up!

This room is almost done.

Books, suitcases, headboards..

Anyone need a TV or Computer?

How about a roll top desk..

Exercise Equipment?  Maybe Presbyterians don’t exercise?


More clothes…

Wednesday’s Here.. it’s Time to Get to Work?

You know I’m training to be a cage fighter right Napoleon?

Wednesday’s  To Do List

1.  Dinner= the frozen kind..

2. Work at the new church building

3. if I find the time.. write up a few eBay things..

4. Figure out what we are doing for Youth Group

5. Do little research on tiling fireplaces and wood cabinet

6. Finish cleaning out the closet.

Wednesday’s List is Full of….

Spider Pig

Wednesday ‘s To Do List

1. Write up a few  eBay auctions.

2. Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

3. Dinner= Pot Luck

4. Take a nap (I was up late seeing Eclipse)

5. Set up stuff for Movie night at Youth Group

6. Clean.. Clean .. Clean…

Tuesdays a Good Day to Get Something Done…

Hello.. fabulous Shoe.. I need you.. several different colors please.

Tuesday’s To Do’s

1. Write up eBay stuff

2.  Father’s Day Cards.. and Netflix.. MAIL THEM!

3.  VBS Crafts

4. Send in article

5. Post article

6. Dinner= Leftovers.. because I think part of us will be working at the church.

7.  Make a new cooking blog for my Sister in law’s recipe for some kind of awesome cinnamon goo-y stuff

8.  Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

9. work on church’s eBay stuff…

10. Fix photos

11. Eclipse Tickets..

12. emails for Youth Group on Wednesday.