Stuff to do for Monday:
* is for ongoing through the week
- Call the American Royal to see if they charged me for my field trip.
- Do school with THOSE kids. *
- Write my blog *
- Write Article (Due Wednesday) *
- Fix photos for eBay
- Fix photos from American Girl Fashion Show
- Write Auctions Up *
- Email guest speaker for Girl Scouts
- Fix my October Banner for Blog. *
- Convert some of my auctions to fixed price *
- Find junk to Buy for eBay *
- Grocery List & Menu for the week (Monday: Left overs, Tuesday: Chicken & Noodles Wednesday: Pot Luck, Thursday: Chili, hot dogs and cinnamon rolls, Friday: Roast, Mashed Potatoes, gravy green beans, blueberry cobbler, Saturday: Louisanna Chicken Sunday: pizza
- Make Halloween Costumes *
- Finalize plans for Girl Scouts this week
- Finalize plans for Youth Group
- Send out email about Dare 2 Share
- Go to Auction tonight
- Hair cut appointment
- Put October Calendar up
- Grade the heathens school work *
- Send The Man a "to do list"