Listening: To my children make scrambled eggs for each other…
Loving: My new Tervis Poppy Cup I bought at Target.
Thinking: About my my meeting tonight.. we are discussing having a Wednesday after school program at our church. The Ottawa Kansas school district is having a 12:30 early release day EVERY Wednesday. I homeschool, but I can not imagine the problems this early release will cause for parents. Just imagine the unaccounted for time teenagers will have…
Wanting: Time at home with nothing to do and no place to go. I would love a 4 day weekend with just the family
Needing: To go out to dinner with just The Man.
Stalking: Fit Bit and Body Bug stuff on eBay. I owned a MyTrak pedometer, but it stopped syncing to my computer, and I guess the company no longer supports it. Do you own a pedometer that you love? What kind is it?