Happy New Year.. Or Something…

One of my favorite quotes..

New Years is a weird time for me.. I've always wanted to be a resolution kind of girl.. but I never really keep them.

This year I'm a little too superstitious to make any resolutions… It hit me yesterday that I was *REALLY* going to have a 6th child… Does a mother with *that* many children need to make a resolution? Does a soon to be mother of a newborn, with MY advanced maternal age need to make any resolutions besides.. SLEEP MORE?

What I'd like my resolutions to be:

  • Give birth and walk out of the hospital looking like a movie star
  • clean and organize the 2nd story of my house
  • clean and organize my kitchen cabinets
  • install the knobs on my cabinets
  • grade all my papers within 2 days of them being completed by my students
  • Iron The Man's shirts
  • Get all my junk on my website
  • Clean the basement
  • travel more

What's probably going to happen:

  • Give birth and leave the hospital looking like I looked when I walked in the place
  • beg my children to clean their rooms.. and they shove everything into the closet
  • Clean the junk drawer and realize this is just too much work
  • realize the holes aren't drilled and give up on this.. as I've done every year..
  • grade my papers at the dining room table.. at midnight before the semester ends.
  • iron one of his shirts on the 2nd of January and realize I was not made to iron…
  • See this blog
  • HA! Really.. this is funny..
  • All I need is money.. unless you are talking about traveling to the post office..

Here’s Your Sign..

Here's your sign, reserved parking, elderly, mother to be, parents with small children

I've been keeping something from you for awhile now. Which one of these things am I on this sign? If you guessed "all of the above".. you'd be correct. Here's proof just in case you were wondering..

\elmo eugene

I'd like to introduce you to #6… The elderly parents of this child are excited and slightly freaked out. This kids brothers and sisters can't wait to meet him or her.