This morning I thought I would wake up and see this…

Maybe I should re-state that. I thought it was going to be the first day of spring,
and if I drove to the back field I would see baby cows… Instead this is what I saw….

There’s about 6″ here so far… What is going on in the world? Why
is it snowing like this in KANSAS on the first day of spring?

Yesterday my iron basket was BEGGING to have flowers planted in it..
now look at it.. Full of snow. I know my boyfriend, Gary Lezak
says it has something to do with el nino.. but really.. it’s suppose to be SPRING!

We looked out back and saw Mr. Bigglesworth inside the smoker.
Don’t feel bad for the cat. He’s an inside cat (when he wants to be).
He’s hunting… You see what the photo doesn’t show is hanging from
the tree above him is a bird feeder. I made a mouse only rule
for him, but like all species that lives in my home he’s disobedient.
I hope spring is more “Spring-Y” where you are!